Page 20 - CinemaRecord #81
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                                           With the bio-box set behind the Upper Circle the   In the following months the auditorium was re-
                                           extreme rake required a tilted screen. To ensure   painted pale green, white and terra cotta. One
                                           that patrons in the back rows of the stalls would   long-overdue improvement was a new access
                                           see the full screen, it was set to almost touch the   to the Upper Circle from the Dress Circle
                                           VWDJH ÀRRU  7KH QHZ SURMHFWRUV ZHUH .DOHH   V    foyer. Previously patrons had to use an external
                                           WKH ¿UVW SRVW ZDU H[DPSOHV LQ 0HOERXUQH   doorway in the lane on the north side.  The
                                                                                YHUWLFDO QHRQ ZDV UH FRQGLWLRQHG DQG ¿WWHG ZLWK
                                           Samson and Delilah opened on 24  May   D  ÀDVKHU   7KH  FDVW LURQ  YHUDQGD  ZDV  UHSODFHG
                                                  )RU  WKH  ¿UVW  FRXSOH  RI  ZHHNV  WKH  ¿OP   by a cantilever version illuminated with neon
                                           was preceded by a stage prologue on the same   tubing instead of pin lights. It was a bold new
                                           WKHPH  7KH VFUHHQ DQG DQFLOODU\ ¿WWLQJV FRXOG EH   image.
                                           ÀRZQ IRU VWDJH SUHVHQWDWLRQV
                                                                                Paramount Film Service Pty Ltd inherited
                                                                                a theatre which seated 1,350 patrons.   They
                                                                                reduced its capacity to 1,273 seats. Of the three
                                                                                surviving twin-balcony cinemas the  Metro
                                                                                Bourke Street was the largest (1,387), the
                                                                                Kings was second, and the Athenaeum was the
                                                                                smallest (997).

        New verandah.

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