Page 25 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 25

he anniversary of the landing which  7KUHH ¿OPV ZHUH VKRW RQ WKDW GD\      The Anzac
       TEHFDPH  NQRZQ  DV  $1=$&  ZDV  ¿UVW  Day Procession (2) Anzac Mash Bash Crash and
       marked on 25 April 1916.            (3) Tramway Smash  DOPRVW FHUWDLQO\ ¿OPHG E\
       Few people know that the phrase ‘Anzac Day’  Harry (Henry) Krischock. They were screened
       ZDV ¿UVW XVHG IRU DQ HYHQW RQ    2FWREHU       at the  Adelaide  Wondergraph  Theatre and
       in Adelaide that aligned to the traditional Eight-  its counter-part, the  Open-Air Pavilion  from
       Hour-Day (Labour Day) holiday.      October 14 to 26 1915, then at Star Pictures in
                                           Hindmarsh 30 Oct - 2 Nov 1915 and possibly
       7KDW  ¿UVW  $Q]DF  'D\  ZDV  D  IXQGUDLVLQJ  Lenard’s Pictures in Broken Hill on 28 Oct
       endeavour to support the wounded soldiers.  It  1915.
       included a procession with soldiers marching  A newspaper article stated that there were large
       but also such novel elements as two obsolete  ERRNLQJV IRU WKH ¿OPV LQWHUVWDWH DIWHU 1RYHPEHU
       trams being crashed and exploded into each  2.
       other on Adelaide Oval in front of a crowd of
       15,000.                             The images seen below show two of the
                                           Wondergraph advertisements as well as part of
                                           the procession and the tram smash.
                                                                                2WKHU  SDUWV  RI  WKH  ¿OP  FRXOG  PDNH  XVH  RI
                                           The First  Anzac Day, a documentary being   Australasian Gazette  newsreels from 1910–
                                           PDGH  $GHODLGH  ¿OP  PDNHU  $VK  6WDUNH\   KDV   1920,  particularly editions that feature Anzac
                                           received a small grant from the ANZAC Day   Day, Eight Day Hour parades, Australians and
                                           Commemoration Fund but is largely self-  WW1 troops leaving and returning to Australia.
                                           funded.                              The NFSA does have those but the usage
                                                                                FKDUJHV DUH KLJK DQG WKH ¿OP QHHGV PLQXWHV RI
                                           $IWHU  WDONLQJ  ZLWK  GHVFHQGDQWV  DQG  ¿OP   footage, not seconds.
                                           historians and following much searching
                                           through archives, including the National Film    ŽůůĞĐƚŽƌƐ ĐĂŶ LJŽƵ ŚĞůƉ͍  ŶLJ ůĞĂĚƐ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ  ƐŚ
                                           and Sound  Archive, none of the Krischock   ^ƚĂƌŬĞLJ͗  ĂƐŚΛƐƚĂƌŬĞLJ͘ŶĞƚ͘ĂƵ Žƌ Ϭϰϭϳ ϴϭϰ ϱϮϭ͘
                                           footage has been located.  There are six
                                           photographs in the SA State Library, and some   tŝƚŚ  ƚŚĂŶŬƐ  ƚŽ͗   ƐŚ  ^ƚĂƌŬĞLJ͕   ĂǀŝĚ   ŽŶĂůĚƐŽŶ  ĂŶĚ
                                           newspaper images, but that’s all so far.  DŝŬĞ dƌŝĐŬĞƩ͘

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