Page 16 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 16

The proscenium was well proportioned inside a
                                                                                textured gold frame. Set above it was Aurora,
                                                                                goddess of light, her body projecting almost
                                                                                horizontally over the orchestra pit. Her children,
                                                                                Joy and Happiness sat beside her, gold cupids in
                                                                                silver shells.
                                                                                Between the proscenium and the adjoining
                                                                                two levels of boxes were carved, twisted
                                                                                pillars rising to support  perched white cupids
                                                                                with outstretched wings. Stylised crowns
                                                                                completed the scene, moulded into each side
                                                                                of the proscenium.  For as long as they loomed
                                                                                precipitously over the audience (and it was for
                                                                                PDQ\  \HDUV   WKRVH  ÀDPER\DQW  ¿JXUHV  ZHUH
                                                                                proof of the decorative excess acceptable to
        dŚĞ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚ ƚŚĞĂƚƌĞ ŝŶ ϭϵϬϴ͘                                          Edwardian theatre-goers.
                                           The frontage was on three levels. A full-width   The stage was the largest in the city, measuring
                                           cast-iron veranda featured a central arch which   63 by 80 feet, (19 m  by 24 m). Anything larger
                                           framed the entrance doors. The street view was   had to await the opening of the Melbourne Arts
                                           typical of theatres of the time, with the veranda   Centre. Everything backstage was generous;
                                           supported by pillars.                extensive dressing rooms, prop rooms,
                                                                                wardrobe, paint shop and scenery bays.
                                           The name and entrance was designed to honour
                                           King Edward V11. Above the main door was a   Opening night on Saturday 11  July 1908 was
                                           hand-coloured painting depicting His Majesty.   described by The Argus as a brilliant moment.
                                           The theatre’s name was displayed above the   The Premier of  Victoria Sir  Thomas Bent
                                           adjoining doors.                     RI¿FLDWHG  The house was ablaze with electric
                                                                                light which reached every corner of the packed
                                           The best feature of the foyer was the broad   auditorium....
                                           marble staircase set on a black-and- white   …In the front row of the dress circle and in
                                           PDUEOH WLOHG ÀRRU  $IWHU    VWHSV WKH VWDLUFDVH   the boxes were to be seen such a gathering of
                                           divided left and right to give access to a   cabinet Ministers, members of parliament and
                                           spacious dress-circle foyer, richly wall-papered   KLJK RI¿FLDOV WKDW IRU D PRPHQW LW PLJKW KDYH
                                           in blue and gold, with salmon pink and cream   been imagined that the Premier was about to
                                           highlights.                          address the Legislative Assembly.

                                           This predominantly blue colour scheme was   Architect Pitt was also a member of the
                                           carried into the auditorium in paler shades,   Legislative Council, a fact which probably
                                           except for the bold royal blue of the Act Drop   explained the extent of political support for his
                                           with its contrasting gold trim.      venture. Any excess of formality in proceedings
                                                                                was relieved when the Premier was heckled by
                                                                                a boisterous group in the gods.  Bent was in
                                                                                his element. Striding forward, arms folded he
                                                                                sternly surveyed the Gallery. He felt assured...
                                                                                that the plays to be produced on that stage would
                                                                                KDYH DQ HGXFDWLRQDO DQG UH¿QLQJ LQÀXHQFH RQ
                                                                                everybody- even those up there...
                                                                                The play was Man to Man. The story included
                                                                                a comic turn by Bert Bailey, much enjoyed by
                                                                                the  Argus reviewer. Bailey would later make
                                                                                his fortune as Dad Rudd in On Our Selection,
                                                                                UHF\FOHG RYHU DQG RYHU RQ ERWK VWDJH DQG ¿OP

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