Page 18 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 18

Who was the most famous thespian to grace the
                                           stage of the Kings? Was it Judith Anderson, now
                                           making her name on the American stage, and
                                           signed by J C Williamsons in 1927 for a brief
                                           return home? Her appearance in Tea for Three
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                                           acclaimed role as St Joan?

                                           The Great Dante was possibly the most famous
                                           magician to appear in Melbourne. The highlight
                                           of his 11-week season in 1933 was the challenge   Live shows continued until 1942 when this
                                           thrown out to the city’s ladies to volunteer to be   announcement ran in the trade papers:
                                           sawn in half!                        Another Legit House Turns to Pictures.
                                                                                The Kings Theatre Melbourne controlled by
                                           J C Williamson Theatres leased the Kings from   Gaiety Theatres Pty Ltd is scheduled to open as
                                           1931 to 1941. Then it was the turn of the Fuller   a motion picture house early in April.
                                           brothers and spokesperson Sir Benjamin, the   Contract has been signed with RCA for
                                           principal behind the company Gaiety Theatres   complete sound and projection equipment, the
                                           and later Carroll-Fuller Theatres.   plant including, in addition to the RCA sound
                                                                                equipment, C&W projectors, RCA arconomisers
                                           Fuller’s prestige house the  Princess  and his   and entire bio box apparatus.
                                           smaller Palace Bourke Street were both cinemas
                                           by the early 30s, but under  Williamson’s   On signing this contract, Sir Bejamin Fuller
                                           management the  Kings resisted this change.   voiced his further appreciation of RCA sound
                                           In May 1940, when cinema all over town was   reproduction as the many plants installed in
                                           booming, the Kings staged The Vagabond King   theatres with which he is associated in both
                                           and  The Student Prince, both produced by   Australia and New Zealand are giving entire
                                           Williamson’s Comic Opera Company.    satisfaction.

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