Page 19 - CinemaRecord #80
P. 19

March of 1962 I got a message Mr Margan   On the exam day a power strike was announced
           ZDQWHG WR VHH PH LQ KLV RI¿FH  , ZDV WKLQNLQJ   which threw a spanner in the works, arriving in
           that this is it; is the Plaza going to close as well?   0HOERXUQH DW SHDN WUDI¿F WLPH WKHUH ZHUH WUDI¿F
           But it was different news, the directors of the   jams as no trams or trains were running.
           Plaza had instructed him that as I had turned   The exam was being held at the RMIT and I was
           18 increasing my wages by two pounds ($4),   nearly an hour late and was told that the exams
           that he was to put me off and put a junior in   had already started and that I might miss out.
           my place.                            )RUWXQDWHO\  WKHUH  ZHUH  ¿YH  RI  XV  LQ  WKH  VDPH
           .HQ FRQ¿GHG LQ PH WKDW KH KDG DOZD\V SURPLVHG   boat so they put us in another room and let us
           to make a projectionist out of me and he would   commence on our papers.
           work a couple of usher shifts to save the extra
           being paid to me.                    The subjects covered were Fire Regulations,
           I felt uneasy about my job from then on and it   AC power, DC power, Sound, and a practical
           was only a month later Ken had said that the   exam on the projectors at the RMIT. I can still
           GLUHFWRUV DVNHG DJDLQ ³:K\ ZDV KH VWLOO RQ WKH   remember my projection test, I was asked to
           that working in the movies for me was about to   IHDWXUHG WKH ¿UVW +ROGHQ ); FDU UROOLQJ RII WKH
           come to an end.                      production line at Fisherman’s Bend, followed
                                                by a Technicolor  trailer of The Garden of Allah
           0\  GDG  ZDV  GHOLJKWHG   ³*R  DQG  JHW  DQ   starring Charles Boyer and Marlene Deitrich;
           DSSUHQWLFHVKLS RQ WKH UDLOZD\V´      both were nitrate.                   Super Standard projector.
                                                                                     Golden Drive-In 1962.
           Just as I was making enquiries with the union   After this test, one by one we entered a large
           about my situation I was in luck. The Assistant   room that had transformers, all types of electrical
           Projectionist position came up at the local   switches, AC and DC motors with their casings   After a long two weeks wait, a letter arrived
           Golden Drive-In and I quickly contacted the   cutaway so that the insides were fully visible.   in the post with my percentage pass rate on all
           manager Kevin Houlahan and told him of my   Here Mr Curzon Seegers tested us on our   VXEMHFWV  , KDG SDVVHG  QRZ ¿QDOO\ DFKLHYLQJ P\
           plight, and after chatting to him for a while he   recognition and operation of various pieces.   Cinematograph Operators Licence, I was now
           told me I had the job. Dad was very disappointed.  $IWHU DQ H[KDXVWLQJ WRWDO RI ¿YH KRXUV RI H[DPV   able to be in charge of my very own projection
                                                for the day, it was time to drive home.  room!
            I loved the change to the drive-in; no more light
           along the bottom of the screen, area avenue                              WŚŽƚŽŐƌĂƉŚƐ ĨƌŽŵ DŝĐŚĂĞů WƵƌĚŽŶ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂů
                                                                                    ŵĂƚĞƌŝĂů ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ <ĞǀŝŶ  ĚĂŵƐ  ŽůůĞĐƟŽŶ͘
           lights and speaker post down lights.
           The local radio station 3BO was tuned in to
           WKH  5&$  DPSOL¿HU  VRXQG  V\VWHP  DQG  ZLWK  D
           screwdriver in the back pocket setting off on a
           ramp tramp, checking for any faulty or missing
           speakers and replacing them.

           Opening in 1957 the Golden Drive-In had more
           modern projection equipment than I worked on
           at the  Plaza. Super Standard projectors that
           were Australian  made  in Adelaide  by  Fitton
           Engineering works, RCA rotary stabilised
           sound heads, and large arc lamps called BTH, or
           British Thompson Houston, of Rugby England.
           Everything was branded RCA including the four
           Protruding in a large waist high cabinet out
           the front of the projection room was an  AC
           generator which was driven by a  V8 petrol
           engine; no more missed sessions due to power
           From April 1962 to February of 1966 I spent a
           memorable time at the drive-in.

           Time was spent studying for my projectionist
           licence which I could sit for when I reached
           the age of 21. I actually got married just a week
           before my licence exam, so I spent time on
           my honeymoon brushing up on Ohms Law in
           readiness for the day.

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