Page 16 - CinemaRecord #80
P. 16

So my life as an assistant projectionist began.     Movie programs sometimes consisted of a
                                                The projectionist I commenced work with was   &LQHPDVFRSH IHDWXUH DQG WKH ¿OP ZRXOG DUULYH
                                                John Leggo, he had obtained his projectionist   accompanied by a wooden box that contained a
                                                licence while working at the  Lyric, and had   pair of anamorphic lenses which were attached
                                                opened the Swan Lake Drive-In in Sale (Vic),   RQWR EUDFNHWV WKDW ZHUH DOUHDG\ ¿WWHG WR WKH IURQW
                                                and worked at the Rex Theatre in Daylesford   of the projectors.
                                                (Vic) before working at the Plaza.  These lenses remained there till the end of
                                                                                    that week’s program, and then removed
                                                Movies were shown those days, Mondays to   and forwarded onto the  Capitol Theatre
                                                Saturdays only, as cinemas weren’t allowed to   Warrnambool. The Plaza and the Capitol were
                                                screen movies on Sundays.           leased at the time by the Thornley Brothers.
                                                There were matinees at 2pm and evening   A couple of months later we received a new
                                                screenings at 7.30pm. I had half a day off each   pair of Bausch & Lomb anamorphic lenses,
                                                Saturday, alternating with the matinee off one   as they had now purchased another pair for
                                                Saturday, and the night session off the next.   Warrnambool.

                                                $ W\SLFDO VWDUW HDFK GD\ ZDV  SP  ¿UVW MRE FOHDQ   For the Plaza, Saturday matinees were a change
                                                WKH JODVV SURMHFWLRQ SRUWV  VZHHS WKH ÀRRU  RLO   RI SURJUDP  DQG LW ZDV FRPPRQ WR KDYH ¿OPV
                                                the projectors and run them for a while. After   arrive in 1000ft cans, spool one consisted of
                                                a warm up, switch off and wipe down any oil   part 1A and another can part 1B, when joined
                                                GULSV DQG WKHQ WKUHDG WKH UHHOV RI ¿OP    together made up the complete spool one, and
            DŝĐŚĂĞů ŝŶ ƚŚĞ WůĂnjĂ ƉƌŽũĞĐƟŽŶ ƌŽŽŵ ϭϵϲϬ͘                               so on.
                                                The projectors were a pair of Australian made   Many a Saturday we screened the shorter reels
                                                Cummings and  Wilson model E mounted on   singly without joining them, so that we could
            Bendigo Plaza.                      Western Electric Universal Bases that were   burn up the smaller carbon butts to use them up.
                                                installed since the  Plaza was constructed in
                                                1934, and a pair of Peerless Magnarc carbon   On occasions we ran cartoons that were on
                                                arc lamps that were installed when VistaVision   KLJKO\  ÀDPPDEOH  QLWUDWH  ¿OP   ,  UHPHPEHU  D
                                                opened in 1954.  The slide projector was an   3RSH\H cartoon that had quite a few joins and
                                                ancient affair; it was a vertical carbon arc lamp   KDG EURNHQ DQG FDXJKW ¿UH LQ WKH ¿OP JDWH
                                                that had to be manually operated whilst showing   John the projectionist quickly ripped out a few
                                                the slides.                         IHHW RI ¿OP IURP WKH WRS VSRRO DQG WKUHZ LW RQ
                                                                                    WKH ÀRRU DQG WLSSHG VDQG RYHU LW WR VQXII LW RXW
                                                A couple of weeks later a gentleman in a   There were two red buckets of sand with little
                                                pinstriped suit armed with a brief case came up   hand scoops hanging on the back bio wall ready
                                                to the bio and began taking my personal details   for this type of problem; this is the only time
                                                on a form, he handed me a pen and tapped the   that they were used.
                                                IRUP DQG VDLG ³VLJQ LW´  , HQTXLUHG ZKDW IRU DQG    The smoke was thick and smelled terrible, and
                                                KH VDLG ³<RX DUH MRLQLQJ WKH XQLRQ´  , VDLG QR   WKH VWLFN\ EXUQW ¿OP ZDV GLI¿FXOW WR UHPRYH RII
                                                WKDQNV , GRQ¶W ZDQW WR MRLQ  KH JUXIÀ\ VDLG µ6LJQ   WKH QLFHO\ VWDLQHG UHG JXP ÀRRU
                                                LW  RU \RX ZRQ¶W KDYH D MRE´  , VLJQHG   On the Monday a phone call to Paramount to
                                                                                    report the incident, and after that no more nitrate
                                                                                    ¿OP ZDV VHQW DJDLQ

                                                                                    By now I had received a small green folded
                                                                                    card from the Department of Public Health –
                                                                                    Cinematograph Operators Regulations it’s title
                                                                                    UHDG ³$SSURYDO RI D 7UDLQHH´ 7KLV FDUG ZKHQ
                                                                                    presented to any manager of another cinema that
                                                                                    I visited, gave me approval to look through other
                                                                                    bio boxes where staff were always welcoming.
                                                                                    A visit to Melbourne on occasions I saw bios
                                                                                    like the  Plaza Cinerama,  Century Swanston
                                                                                    Street and the Padua Brunswick.

                                                                                     Cinerama at the
                                                                                     Melbourne Plaza.

            Bendigo Plaza 1967.

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