Page 12 - CinemaRecord #80
P. 12


           The successful charity opening night for the
           remodeled  Skyway Drive-In  was very nearly
           derailed before the night was even over as thieves   ϭϵϴϱͲϭϵϴϵ͗ ůŽĐĂů ĐŽŶƐŽƌƟƵŵ  7KH VDPH UHDVRQ RI ORZ SUR¿WV ZRXOG DOVR VHH WKH
           stole the safe containing the night’s takings of                         local consortium decide to close up business in
           $900.                                A local consortium of businessmen comprising  1989 after trying to tough it out for the 18 months
           7KH SURFHHGV  OHVV WKH FRVW RI WKH ¿OP  ZHUH GXH   of Peter Sawyer, Paul Neville, Ron Hancock,  leading up to the decision.
           to be donated to the Bundaberg pensioner homes   Neville Loxton and Steve Brennan, purchased  According to Peter Sawyer the drive-in was
           scheme. The heavy steel safe measuring 3ft x 2ft   the  Skyway Drive-in from Birch, Carroll &  FORVLQJ     ³   VLPSO\  EHFDXVH  LW  ZDV  QRW  DV
           x 2ft (91cm x 61cm x 61cm) was in the manager’s   Coyle in August 1985.   SUR¿WDEOH  DV  LW  KDG  EHHQ   3HRSOH¶V  WDVWHV  IRU
           RI¿FH DQG WKH WKLHYHV IRUFHG   GRRUV RSHQ WR JHW   Paul Neville was experienced in the industry,  PRYLH  YLHZLQJ  KDYH  REYLRXVO\  PRYHG  WRZDUG
           to it sometime between 12.30am and 5.00am the   having managed the  Olympia/Crest and  WKHDWUHV DQG SDUWLFXODUO\  YLGHRV LQ WKH SDVW IHZ
           morning of the 21st September.       Wintergarden  theatres, and been  Wide Bay  years in Bundaberg”.
                                                Manager for Birch, Carroll & Coyle.
           The safe was found soon after in bushland near                           Recently Paul Neville said that the drive-in
           the Catholic Cemetery on Fitzgerald Street.   Birch, Carroll & Coyle got out of the venture in  survived black and white, and then colour TV,
           While giving the public the impression they had        VHHPLQJO\ EHFDXVH RI ORZ SUR¿WV  6SHDNLQJ  but couldn’t survive the introduction of videos.
           QR OHDGV  SROLFH RI¿FHUV OD\ LQ ZDLW IRU    KRXUV   in 1989, the then theatre controller of Birch,
           until the three thieves returned for the safe.   Carroll & Coyle, Mr Bill Palmer, indicated  There were rumours at the time that the land
           One man was arrested at the scene and later   WKDW WKH FRPSDQ\ VROG WKH GULYH LQ EHFDXVH ³...  would be sub-divided but the theatre owners had
           jailed for 12 months, while two others escaped.   LW ZDV QRW SUR¿WDEOH IRU D ELJ FRPSDQ\ WR NHHS  no plans for the site, other than its sale with all
           One of the men who escaped was apprehended in   it operating´  +H IXUWKHU ZHQW RQ WR VD\ WKDW ³it  ¿[WXUHV LQ SODFH  ,W UHPDLQHG WR EH VHHQ ZKHWKHU LW
           Melbourne two years later.           might have been possible for a family operation´   was purchased by someone interested in keeping
                                                                                    the drive-in operating or not.

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