Page 14 - CinemaRecord #80
P. 14

                              MVictorian town of Bendigo.
                              I attended Bendigo East Primary School and at the time 16mm

                                                I recall helping a Mr Hicks unload the projector
                                                and heavy transformer from his car to set up in
                                                the hall. I always got to carry the heavy canvas
                                                EDJ ZLWK WKH FDQV RI ¿OP
                                                :KHQ LW ZDV WLPH IRU P\ FODVV WR YLHZ D ¿OP
                                                I made sure that I was sitting at the back to
                                                watch Mr Hicks threading the projector, and on
                                                RFFDVLRQV EHLQJ JLYHQ VRPH IUDPHV RI ¿OP WKDW
                                                were cut out when a splice was made.

                                                Later on from grade four the headmaster
                                                DOORZHG PH WR RSHUDWH WKH VFKRROV   PP ¿OP
                                                VWULS SURMHFWRU  VFUHHQLQJ UROOV RI ¿OP VWULSV WKDW
                                                coincided with the ABC Schools programs that   Princess Theatre
                                                were broadcast on the school radio.   Finally Mr Margan, the manager of the Plaza
                                                                                    said he would give me a go, and told me to go
                                                After leaving primary school I was in form 1   downstairs to see Mrs Lorenz in the concessions
                                                (year 7) when a school friend of mine had got
                                                a job as a lolly boy at the Princess Theatre in   EDU DQG VKH ZRXOG JLYH PH D ZKLWH MDFNHW   ³6R
                                                                                    look after it, keep it dry cleaned and make sure
                                                Bendigo. I had the opportunity to go with him   \RX JLYH \RXU VKRHV D JRRG SROLVK´
                                                to the movies for free as he was regularly given   .HQ  0DUJDQ  ZDV  D  JRRG  PDQDJHU   YHU\  ¿UP
                                                complimentary tickets.              but fair, he was married to Rosemary who
                                                                                    would later on become a Weather Girl on TV in
            Bendigo Plaza                       On one occasion we were watching a movie in   Melbourne, and Mrs Lorenz was her mum.
                                                the upstairs lounge and he quietly said to look
                                                behind at the projection room, seconds later the   The tray that I carried had a Cadburys label on
                                                projected picture switched to another window.
                                                He explained that this happens all during the   WKH IURQW DQG ZKHQ ORDGHG KDG ¿YH SRXQGV
                                                                                    worth of lollies and ice creams, of which two
                                                movie, and that the movie wasn’t on one big   shillings (.20c) commission was paid to me for
                                                reel.                               every pound worth of  sales. On an average I got
                                                                                    EHWZHHQ   SRXQG DQG ¿YH SRXQGV     DQG
                                                I was so fascinated that I wanted to see if I could   per week.
                                                get a job as a lolly boy as well. So I regularly
                                                visited Bendigo’s three cinemas, the  Plaza,   As a lolly boy it wasn’t just walking around
                                                Princess and the Lyric, pestering the managers   with a tray during interval, there were chores
                                                for a position.                     to do, transporting Dixie ice creams and large
                                                                                    1 gallon cordial jars down to the drinks bar so
                                                                                    that the cordial would be made up in paper cups
                                                                                    ready for interval.

            Bendigo Plaza                                               Bendigo Plaza

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