Page 27 - RD_2015_12
P. 27
McLeod’s Movie Palace
he last show at the original Palace effort to enjoy some pretty ordinary
T was reported in CinemaRecord 35. footage that included an out of focus
Reg Jones was present at a happier home movie, which only appealed to
event. those in it.
The long awaited opening of the Thankfully, this part of the evening
new McLeod’s Movie Palace cinema quickly drew to a close and we were
complex on Saturday 7 June 2003 at led upstairs to Cinema 1. This cinema,
Brighton was attended by local of minimalist, contemporary design;
luminaries, many of whom had been reminiscent of the British architect
regulars at the original Palace and John Pawley, was a different ball game
looked about as tired as that venue had altogether. In a few steps we had
become. Nevertheless, Ian and Anne moved from circa 1950 to the 21st
McLeod showed that they were up to century. The lights dimmed and after
the mark and greeted all guests the opening fanfare, the curtains parted
personally with an offer of drinks and to reveal a view of the second fairway
nibbles. A nice touch. of the Brighton Golf Course. Some of
We were then led downstairs to us thought it was the opening scene
Cinema 2 which must be the world’s from W.C. Field’s Golf Specialist.
first indoor drive in. Unfortunately it However, after some laughter from the
only holds two vehicles, so Ian audience and expletives from MM the
temporarily removed the outdoor screen appeared and we were treated
speaker stands and installed portable to the MGM extravaganza That’s
seating, which disappointed this Entertainment 3. The digital projector
correspondent, who would have and surround sound system brought
preferred the novelty of piling into the these vintage clips and out-takes to
two vehicles. That way, there is always life. The super large screen (when it
something to do should the program arrived) was a bonus. And a great
drag, as well it did on this occasion. supper to boot!
Still, there was ample entertainment Thank you Ian and Anne for a great
By Reg Jones for those of us seated in the back row. night out. McLeod’s Movie Palace
The bio box was not enclosed and we lives on and as usual, we all left with a
were treated to a litany of noise and spring in our step, humming the tunes
arguments between Mr Mcleod (MM) from those wonderful MGM musicals.
and his beautiful assistant. Obviously Some of us even attempted to emulate
things were not going to plan. MM Fred Astaire as we headed for our cars.
constantly raised his voice and walked Long live the old musicals and
in front of the light beam, much to the McLeod’s Movie Palace. ★
consternation of those of us making an
The stream line look of Cinema 1