Page 26 - RD_2015_12
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A composite picture of the entrance to Village 16 Southland. In the centre is the Candy Bar, left is the entrance to the Gold Class
cinemas. On the far right is the ticket counter with an overhead double-sided promotions screen operated by video projection. To the
left of this screen is the entrance to Cinema Europa. Photo by Martin Powell.
These productions began shortly after different part of the shopping centre) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the centre opened. Show business to replace their 8 Screen Multiplex The assistance of the staff of the Public
personalities including John Michael which was then demolished. The Records Office/Melbourne Archives
Howson, Marion Edwards and John Megaplex consists of ten mainstream Centre was appreciated. Some photos
(credited) were by Martin Powell who
Finlayson were involved in these cinemas, three Gold Class Cinemas
scanned all pictures for publication.
shows. In the early days the shopping and three of Cinema Europa.
centre also boasted a rooftop carnival This modern cinema complex
for children. The man operating this provides quite a contrast to the old
was Hall Kenny (famous for running Memorial Hall. The people who
the carnival near the Palais Theatre, enjoyed watching the silent films back
St.Kilda. in the 20’s would be amazed at the
In 1991 Village Cinemas opened an difference that has come with modern
8 Screen Cinema Complex at technology. In its heyday as a picture
Southland Shopping Centre. Over the theatre the Cheltenham Memorial
years the shopping centre has Hall provided the local people with the
increased in size and is now known as entertainment they desired. These are
Westfield Shoppingtown Southland. different times and the Village
On 29th April 1999 Village opened a complex fulfils the requirements of
new 16 Screen Megaplex (in a film watchers of the present day. ★
The exterior of Village Southland 16 Megaplex on Opening Day 29 April 1999.