Page 22 - RD_2015_12
P. 22

Another perspective by Ern Bruhn

            am the Ern Bruhn (now aged 88      I became assistant operator. I recall  After becoming engaged I moved
         I years) mentioned in Lawrence      one night during the show I had one  to Melbourne and worked at my trade
          Bros. Talkies (CinemaRecord Issues 38  hand on the projector and, with the  as a carpenter. After Namie and I were
          and 39) and am also the father of  other, caught hold of a light beside the  married, I continued in my interest and
          Pauline Gaunt and Lynda Hickling.  machine which had a tin shade on a  often helped Alf.
            I met Alf and his mate Tommy     screw base lamp and the machine       When the Verne at East Malvern
          Atkinson when they came to Inverloch  being earthed, I got a rather severe  opened I helped Alf set up the
          for the first time. My mother and father  electric shock. Letting go of the light  equipment and made a box office front
          owned a milk bar and café in the town  which crashed to the wall, Alf came  to fit into the doorway of one of the
          and Alf came there for meals. I was  rushing into the box to see what  cloak rooms.  When Alf was away on
          about 19 at the time and, being    happened. We promptly changed the  other business I looked after the show.
          interested, I went up to the hall to see the  lamp holders for bayonet sockets.  After some time Alf opened the
          equipment – RCA portable projectors.  Alf became a regular visitor to our  Soldiers Memorial Hall at
          Alf asked me if I would door-keep for  home for meals when he was in  Cheltenham.  A terrible place, the front
          them as was his custom in the towns on  Korumburra. At times he brought his  door opened directly into the hall and
          the circuit. I was very impressed with the  sister, Namie, with him. It was on one  faced the weather.  At times I also
          show and for all the time he came to  of these occasions he had a mishap on  looked after the show there.  Some
          Inverloch, Alf ate his meals with us and  the way in which a passing car  times when showing a film Namie
          we became quite friendly.          clipped his rear vision mirror and a  wanted to see, we would take our
            I well remember the time Alf     piece of glass from it cut his eye.  daughters Lynda and Pauline with us
          mentioned when I took the plant from  Namie and I took him to a doctor in  and bed them down in the car beside
          Inverloch to Poowong. I arrived back  Korumburra, who said he should go  the hall and I would go out regularly
          early from a fruit and vegetable round  straight back to Epworth Hospital to a  and keep check on them.
          with my father at about 5 o’clock to  specialist.  Unfortunately his eye had  After the Verne and Cheltenham
          find them stranded.  After ringing  to be taken out. Whilst he was    closed I had no further part in the
          Poowong, we loaded all the equipment  recovering I was looking after the  business, but of course kept in close
          onto the Citroen utility and set off  theatre and made several trips to  touch with Alf and family until his
          arriving to find people waiting for the  Melbourne for films, etc.    death at the age of 92.  ★
          show. On the way home I got lost in a  It was during this time that Namie
          pea soup fog, finally arriving home  and I became attracted to each other,
          about 1 o’clock in the morning.    became engaged and married.
            I also remember the time Alf asked
          me to go round the circuit with them
          as a break from Inverloch.  They were
          showing Tell Me Tonight at the time
          and were expecting a busy time as it
          was also to be the opening of the
          Packenham Theatre.  They had been
          showing in the Mechanics Hall, and, as
          they were expecting big business, it                                          CORRECTION
          was decided to use both and switch                                            In the Alf Lawrence story
          film. Alf arrived from Melbourne in                                           in CinemaRecord 39 page
          the afternoon with brand new RCA                                              28, Alf mentioned that
          portables, unpacked them and set them                                         ‘Doo’ was with him in the
          up, hoping that all would work.                                               car accident. The Editor
          Fortunately it did.                                                           assumed that ‘Doo’ was his
            A short time later our family                                               wife and put in those
          moved to Korumburra. We were not                                              words. ‘Doo’ was a
          there long when Lawrence Bros came                                            nickname for Alf’s sister
          to Korumburra and opened in the                                               Namie who later married
          Mechanics Hall, and I renewed my                                              Ern Bruhn.
          acquaintance with Alf.

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