Page 29 - RD_2015_12
P. 29
Which theatre was that?
Which theatre was that?
SOME ANSWERS The ‘vertebra’ proscenium
‘Mystery Theatres’ was a series pattern was first used in Hoyts
of photos that ran in Windsor (1936). It was also used
CinemaRecord, Issues 37 –39. in the upgrade of Hoyts Carnegie
Some photos were from the and again in the Lorne Theatre
CATHS Archive, others from the (1937) where it can still be seen
Picture Collection of the LaTrobe framing the screen. The pattern was
Library, Melbourne. The basis for useful because it allowed for other
(some) successful identifications is design variations. Instead of
explained. placing the blocks one on top of the
Catalogued together by the other (as here and at Lorne)
Latrobe Library , the inference was horizontal sections could be
that the auditorium and upstairs introduced between each one to
foyer (left) were the same theatre link the walls to the stage and
and that was how they were run in enclose ventilation grilles (as at
Issue 37. Scrutiny of the Archive Carnegie).
collection showed that the foyer is The Southern had previously
actually from the Dendy Brighton been given a make-over by Charles
and the auditorium is Hoyts Bohringer. His 1929 stage is shown
Southern Hampton. The interior of immediately below. The CATHS
the Southern was modified by Archive version of the 1940 change
Cowper, Murphy and Appleford in is at the bottom of the page.
1940, and this would be the reason
for the photo.