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Interior of Hoyts Cinema- Richmond c. 'i1938

             duty was the drawing of the lucky numbers which Mr W   was  tension,  nervousness.  or excitement  I  never quire
             did  in  his office  before  interval.  He gave the  numbers  to   worked out.  Perhaps  it  was the prospect of a  Full  House
             Ernie at interval.  '·Come on". said Ernie to me. We raced   and  the  strategies  in  place to  prevent overselling in  the
             across the foyer to the door which Jed to the stairs to the bio   unnumbered stalls - perhaps because for  the  many of the
             box. Ernie handed the numbers to Mr Harris who immedi-  patrons  it was  their weekly  highlight - a  night out,  the
             ately wrote them with a special pen onto a glass slide to be   opportunity to dress up and become part of a make believe
             projected during Mr w·s on-stage presentation. During the   world of enjoyment ..  On  this my first Saturday I discov-
             CCC stage segment my job was to stand at the stage door   ered  that the sales  of Screen  News  and  the tipping  were
             and to assemble the winners when they were called to the   both high. This was the final  night that Ernie was with me.
             front complete with  matching  lucky numbers and  to help   As from Monday I was it- Page Boy at the Cinema.
             distribute birthday badges.
                                                               Monday came and  went  without  drama.  Harry  hovered
             Harry didn't bother to use the curtains at the matinee. The   around and  gave me encouragement and advice. Monday
             reason was now obvious to  me.  A screen was in fuU  view   was  a quiet night.  The fLrst  night of the three  night mid-
             before during and after the program. After the matinee fin-  week program. The program comprised some B grade and
             ished  and  the  last of the mini-patrons  had  fled  through   repeats  or a  longer  movie with shmts.  Monday was  also
             side doors  it was all  hands on  deck.  Ushers, jackets and   one of the nights when, before the front doors opened, Harry
             ties removed, became cleaners and the stalls were soon freed   changed  the displays  in  the display  windows  lining  both
             of lolly wrappings, unloved screen  news and sundry items   sides of the foyer. On Mondays the program for the previ-
             of lost paraphernalia. Page boys cleaned foyers, tloors, ash   ous Thursday, Friday, Saturday was removed and the space
             trays, toilets and front footpaths.  Harry gave the brass fit-  updated.  It was  always  possible  for browsing  patrons  to
             tings a polish with BrctSSo.                      look up to two weeks ahead. Harry carried a box filled with
                                                               coloured paper, pins and stickers. He would unroll posters
             Then it was time for tea. We sat around on the comfortable   and  spread  out the  stills  on  the  floor,  then  map  out the
             lounge settees  in  the upper foyer.  Bert had an electric wa-  display. My job was to hand him rhe items. When finished,
             ter heater. Hoyts  provided the cups, tea and  milk.  We  ate   he  would  stand  back  and  admire his effo1t.  The process
             meals  of sandwiches,  cakes or fish  and  chips and  ham-  was repeated for the other change on  program on Thurs-
             burgers purchased from  across Bridge Road.       days.

             This was my frrst of many Saturday nights to fo!Jow.  I be-  Harry  also had  another task. Twice a  week he  drove his
             came aware that Saturday night at the Cinema was some-  little  red  van to  the prime advertising spots around Rich-
             thing special to  both  staff and  patrons  alike.  Whether it   mond  and  complete  with  ladder,  brush  and paste,  pasted

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