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What a team we were. I later discovered that Harry nor- want to show you something." Keeping his torch covered
mally did the routine on his own. On rare occasions he by his hand to subdue the light he pointed to two buttons
called me to help at interval time. on the wall beside his seat. ''These.are important". explained
Harold. "The top one is for the sound. It's connected to the
Page Boys were meant to be out front selling Screen News bio box. One ring for louder; two rings for quieter. The
until at least eight o'clock to catch late arrivals. not play- other one is used if we have any trouble. Tt rings inside the
ing with stage curtains. Nevertheless, Harry bad been teach- police station next door!''
ing me the fundamentals of showmanship. He was very
proud of the Cinema and continually worked to maintain Interval came. Everything sprang to life. Crowds sur-
the highest standards of professionalism. rounded the four lolly boys who had crept into position in
the auditorium on the ·five-minute-to-go· bell signal to Bert
Harry returned me to the foyer and Ernie. '·Tomorrow night MorTis from the bio box. Bert's counter did a roaring trade
Ernie will take care of you lad". Turning to Ernie, Harry with six helpers dispensing freshly poured glasses of cold
said, "You show him lhe routine tomorrow night. He can Marchallfs soft drink at fourpcnce per glass and a wide
work beside you. Take your uniform home fan and get your variety of pre-packaged sweets. (The mammoth task of hand
Mum to iron it. Good11ighf' washing glasses after interval with every spare space used
for air-drying was directed with military precision by Bert).
Friday night came. In my new uniform I eagerly followed Other patrons streamed to the loos and smokers filled the
Ernie's directions and counted several dozen Screen Nell"s foyer with smoke and butts. The bells rang. patrons van-
and placed them on a plywood tray. Mr W checked my ished back inside, and Ernie and I manned me brooms once
count. Ernie led me to the foyer and gave me a place to again.
stand, plywood tray resting on my left arm (further away
from the ticket box -;o as not to take too many of his regu- My first night was over Harry appeared from somewhere
lars - he was still on c-ommission). I soon found seiling an and said. '·Goodnight fan. See you at one o'clock tomor-
easy task and enjoyed brief verbal exchanges and smiles row (Saturday). And bring your tea. You probably won't
from patrons who pa11ed with their threepences. Ernie told have time to go home and be back for the evening show !"
me keep my tips in a separate pocket. Even from the front I walked home past the Richmond Town Hall. The clock
foyer I could sense when the lights went down and the pro- showed twenty to ten. Richmond was quiet. I walked home
gram started. The mirrored doors were closed: the arrivals feeling that life was pretty good.
dwindled. We packed up at eight o'clock and returned our
unsold Screen News and proceeds of sales to Mr W. He For t11e first time I saw Saturday afternoon from the other
balanced the sales in our presence and entered the details side. Firstly, Manager Waldron numbered each copy of the
in a notebook. Commission was paid wid1 weekly pay in leftover Screen News with an ink pen. Then he showed
cash on Saturday nights. Ernie and J the program for the afternoon. hand written on
the Runningsheet - the title of each item- running time-
Ernie and [left the office, just as Harry escorted Mrs Harris progressive time. "Interval will be at three twenty four. Tell
from the ticket box together with the night's takings for Bert will you Ernie", said Mr W. "Ian, T'll need you to help
counting and processing. "We can watch the movie in a me with the CCC. Be ready just before four o'clock -
few minutes, but tirst there is one other task", said Ernie. straight after the episode of The Searaiders." I noted that
He led me to the broom cupboard adjacent to the toilets. the Runningsheet showed that the program should finish
"We do a quick sweep of the foyer now and again after at about twenty to five. I took a look at the evening pro-
imerval !" I followed Ernie's direction and together we gram which was clipped underneath. Ernie explained that
started at the top of the tiled foyer, down the several stairs me timing was different to the night before. "Usually the
and methodically covered all of the area to the front. We program reverses", he explained. ''That is because we swap
kept sweeping all before us out into the footpath of Bridge programs wim another theatre. Whichever film we finished
Road. The material. mainly cigarette butts was guided to a with last night becomes the first movie tonight." I was learn-
grate in the gutter and mysteriously disappeared downwards ing about the industry fast.
from view.
"Time to open up'' called Harry. Ushers had taken up their
Brooms stowed, men back to Mr W. "Anything else?" asked stations. Areas were carefully roped off in me stalls.
Ernie. ''No, but stay near the back in case I need you." said
Mr W. Then in the same bream, ·' How's it going lao?". Mrs Harris was already in place wim a smaller range of
''Great'', I replied full of excitement and immense happi- tickets and lots of sixpences ready for change. Ernie gave
ness. 1 had already set my heart on becoming a Hoyt's me one further direction. "Sell the Screen News in strict
Manager when J left school. numerical order otherwise the prize draw won't work and
Mr Waldron will be angry. If we have any leftovers we try
Ernie led me through the entry door into me darkened back to sell them inside at intervaL We should get rid of the lot.
stalls. Harold seated by the door flashed a torch to a couple We start the new edition tonight. They don't like returns!"
of empty seats in front of him on the aisle. We sat down.
The movie was well advanced and I was too excited to at- There was no requirement to sweep the foyer at the mati-
tempt to catch up with the plot. Harold tapped me on the nees, so we were able to catch the main fUm soon after the
shoulder and whispered, "Come back here for a moment. [ two o'clock start and to see most of the shorts. The main
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