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tered them on a tally sheet She also had  bundles of block   to  the wall.  I  found  myself on  a  small  platform  looking
             numbered  tickets  for  the Lounge and  Dress Circle.  She   down onto the stage but out of sight of the pan·ons. Hany
             explained  that  the Cinema had  a  number of permanent   was explaining to me "The curtains are hand operated. It's
             bookings for Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. She   important that you learn how  10 pull them. Watch the cur-
             was pencilling names on  them and placing them  in  an  al-  tains and  tell  me when the Val Morgan slide hits them"'. It
             phabetical file. Same people: same seats: same nights each   was almost half-pasr seven. 1 saw the flicker of lighL "Now
             week- rain or shine- no matter what was screening.  I got   Hrury. l see it·· I called. Harry grabbed two knife switches
             to know them. They were good for tips.            and  pulled  them  down.  There  was  a  blue  flash  near his
                                                               hands as the stage lights instantly dimmed to off. The Harry
             My induction still had one tina! component that I remem-  grabbed  the  rope.  ··watch me·•.  he said  at  he tugged  and
             ber vividly. I followed  Harry up the stairs to the bio-box. T  grumed. ··Hand over hand"'.  he said. "No jerking. lt must
             met  Mrs Harris·s  husband  who turned out to  be the head   look smooth' You can do it next time. but you must never
             projectionisL. I looked with awe at the two huge projectors.   do the switches- too dangerous for lads"'.
             spot lights. slide projector, twin wrmables. re-winding gear.
             bits of tilm  and  cans  everywhere.  So  that's what its  like   For the  next fomieen minutes I was  in a sweat.  What if I
             behind those small windows. I thought It was smelly and   couldn't do it? I had no idea if I could move the cunains.
             not  very clean.                                  Doing it smoothly was a subsequent worry.  Hany was oc-
                                                               casionally watching the slides. He knew them off by heatt.
             Back  to  eruth  nov.. ··Right"'.  ~aid Harry.  ·Time for  work   Suddenly he called.  "No~ watch.  That's  the  \Ia/  Morgan
             Follow me··. By now the patron~ were rolling in. We passed   slide.  next  if..  the  No  Smoking  slide.  you  start closing as
             Bert Morris's counter where he had three helpers exchang-  soon a~ the £rin slide hits the screen··. It happened. I pulled
             ing sweets. chocolates and ice creams for cash. His displa}   on the rope. It moved.  l could here the hum of the curtain
             of contectionery looked very different to  the Saturday af-  rollers high  up  above the stage. "Faster lad.  you·re domg
             ternoon display. Most noriceable was  the concentration of   tine'". encouraged Harry. I"d done it. Harry threw the knife
             blocks of chocolate for ten pence and boxes of Old Gold for   switches and the stage lit up. ··No~ watch the house lights
             two shillings and sixpence.                       and tell  me when they start to dim'". said Harry. 'They do
                                                               the house lights from  the  bio-box··.  I could  see the set of
             Bert was  supervising  four  lolly  boys  who were checking   lights  hanging  from  the  ceiling closest  to  the  stage and
             their trays. Harry led me past Harold still tearing tickets in   kept my eyes firmly  focussed.  "'They·re dimming HatTy"'.
             two. We revisited the auditorium which now was all  lit up.   The recorded  music  faded. The cathedral  was  quiet.  Be-
                                                               side me. Harry checked my observation and said. ··Right!
             The stage looked different with the curtains closed and the   In a couple of moments the  Hoyrs Startup will  flash  onto
             foot and stage light<;  doing their thing.  In  full  view of the   the curtains. When it does, start pulling··. We were a team.
             audience and  feeling ,·ery conspicuous,  J followed  Harry   I thoughl.  The curtains suddenly lit  up.  Music  blared.  I
                                                               started  pulling the rope.  HatTy  tugged the knife switches.
             through the stage door. sharp left. and up a ladder attached
                                                               The show was underway. It was precisely a quarter to eight.

                                        lnte.rior of Hoyts Cinema - Richmond c. 1938

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