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I am currently reseaching the story of Melbourne's Bercy advised me that, yes, they indeep have an archivist em-
cinema. When approached by Gerry Kennedy to undertake ployed, who would be happy to get back to me with any
this project, my immediate thought was "Do I really want relevant details. Imagine the shock of a return phone call
to undertake a task like this again?"' Four years ago, I had rwo days later to advise me that no reference could be found
started research on Melbourne's Grosvenor cinema. to any theatre called the Bercy in Melbourne. Perhaps, it
was suggested, that I may be confusing it with an ·'inde-
At the outset. I found the thought of it all rather daunting. pendent'' theatre of that name! Oh dear! Where does one
Where to start? -how much information can I remember?- begin to explain to the G.U. archivist that the Bercy was
who else would remember? - along with a hundred other one of their Flagship theatres. and closed less than twenty
such negative thoughts. Bur, bullied on by Gerry (and what years ago?!?!
a persuasive character he can be) and his advice to start
with a visit to the Public Records Office. off I set with much But back to my original thought of '"did I want to under-
trepidation. take another task like this?" "Yes!" The research, fact-find-
ing, contact of new friends, frustration, and ultimate fulfil-
Fifteen months later, I forwarded my story on the Grosvenor ment of my original article was an experience I wanted to
to Cinemarecord, and what a voyage of discovery those relive once again.
intervening months were for me. I liken it to a large jig-
saw puzzle. starting at the edges, and slowly but surely. Looking back, this had been one of the happiest times of
filling in the whole picture. my life. Suddenly there were more important things in life
than watching the Soapies on TV at night. Each morning
CATHS commiuee and members were unyielding in their held the promise of contacting someone new. learning some
support, help and enthusiasm, in directing me into contact new piece of information, of putting ideas down on paper,
with various individuals to assist my research. One lead and a feeling of achievement. Above all this. however. was
would invariably introduce me to another. and then an- my experience with G.U. and their "archives" department.
other. and so on.
Nothing could have brought home more the importance of
It was truly amazing the various pieces of information and our own CATHS. Without the input of the Society mem-
facts that would come to light, predominantly from people bers, and publications like Cinemarecord. who would be
reminiscing of their time actually working at the Grosvenor. documenting and keeping alive the history of such an im-
Greater Union, Hoyts Theatres, the Collins Street Baptist portant contributor to our national heritage?
Church, The Victoria Hotel, and in one case, a person who
played no other part than to be a regular patron of the We all enjoy attending the CATHS meetings, hearing the
Grosvenor theatre. latest gossip, news etc; because we all share a love of cin-
ema/theatre, that for many of us, has provided such a col-
Almost without fail, most people that I spoke to during ourful and happy career. I therefore, urge you all, to take
this period would say ''this probably won't be of interest to the journey. and document your memories, knowledge,
you", but piece together all these snippets of information, and experiences of just one theao·e.
and what a story evolved. Certainly, during the many
months that this labour of love took ro come together. there Be it as a place of employment, or simply as a patron, we
were some very frustrating times. all harbour a happy memory of our "local", and owe it to
our fellow enthusiasts, as well as future generations, to keep
Attempting to sift through all the memories and differing the story alive.
stories and come up with the reality was, at times. very
hard. but invariably, this would send me off on another Like myself. I can assure you that any time spent on such a
tangent. coming into contact with even more people, and project will be one that you will long remember with much
eventually coming up with the true reality. affection. Plus. what a buzz it is to finally see your story in
A real positive of this time spent on the Grosvenor story. is
the many friendships I developed with people sharing the Imagine adding ·'Published Author" to your Curriculum
same interests as myself. One point of reference that I'd Vitae, or. as in my case, just basking in the glory.
initially hoped would be of assistance to me was the Greater
Union Organisation. Unfortunately, they had no informa- Just give it a try, and I know you'll start a new love affair
tion on the Grosvenor. Fair enough, thought I. The theatre with your P.C. or trusty old typewriter. And, don't forget
had closed many years earlier, so perhaps it was to be ex- the assistance that is available to you from CATHS. Once
pected that no details remained on their files. you've started, and with the help and encouragement avail-
able to you from the committee, you'll soon have the sparks
Recently, however, upon staning the research of the Bercy, flying from your keyboard.
I again contacted Greater Union Head Office in Sydney.
The receptionist I spoke to was most helpful, and happily Good luck, and happy researching. John Holloway
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