Page 41 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 41

ďŽǀĞ͗ DĂƌŝĂ ĐŽŽŬŝŶŐ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ĚƌŝǀĞͲŝŶ͘

       Inside the projection box the projectors were
       would be projected onto the screen. The smell of
       freshly cooked doughnuts and hot chips enticed
       the movie goers to the cafeteria.

       Roy’s wife Maria managed the café at the drive-   ďŽǀĞ͕ ƌŝŐŚƚ ĂŶĚ ďĞůŽǁ͗ DƵƌƌĂLJ  ƌŝĚŐĞ  ƌŝǀĞͲ/Ŷ͘
       in and the doughnuts in particular were a treat to
       behold. Not only were they extremely popular
       at the drive-in, but some locals would head over  7KH  ¿UVW  WKUHH  VSRROV  ZRXOG  EH  GULYHQ  WR  WKH
       to the theatre just to buy fresh hot doughnuts at  drive-in immediately after the third spool
       interval.                           ¿QLVKHG DW WKH FLQHPD  5R\ ZRXOG WKHQ UHWXUQ
                                           to the cinema for the remaining spools and take
       As an interesting comparison, I tried selling  them to the drive-in after interval.
       doughnuts at a particular drive-in theatre I
       managed in Queensland back in the 1990s.  One night we were particularly ambitious and
       They just didn’t sell and at the end of the night  VZDSSHG WKH ¿UVW KDOI RI WKH GRXEOH IHDWXUH DW
       I would be stuck with bags and bags of them.  the  Victa Theatre with the  Murray Bridge
       Maria’s doughnuts!                  7KH  ¿UVW  PRYLH  ¿QLVKHG  VFUHHQLQJ  DW  WKH
                                           FLQHPD  ZDV SDFNHG LQWR WKH ¿OP WUXQNV  ORDGHG
       Roy also had the Riverview Drive-In Theatre  hurriedly into the boot of Roy’s Statesman De
       at Murray Bridge.  Often I would be working  Ville and left at speed for the one hour, 90 km
       at the Victa, Maria at the Port Elliot and Roy  journey to Murray Bridge. This feature was to
       would be at Murray Bridge.          screen second on the program at Murray Bridge
       On some nights Roy would work until interval at  that night.
       the Victa and then head over to the drive-in for
       their interval. Remember the drive-in couldn’t  At Strathalbyn about half way into the journey,
       start until 9 o’clock during daylight saving time.  the fuel must have been running low and Roy
                                           KDG WR SXOO LQWR WKH SHWURO VWDWLRQ DQG UH¿OO  ,Q
       The same prints were frequently exchanged  haste he forgot to pay for his fuel. As he entered
       between the Victa and the drive-in on the same  the South Eastern Freeway it was all lights and
       night. Programs were double-features and Roy  sirens.
       ZRXOG WDNH WKH ¿UVW KDOI RI WKH SURJUDP IURP WKH  Roy pulled over and the Police must have found
       Victa to the drive-in at intermission. Depending  his explanation for the drive off plausible. A few
       RQ  WKH  UXQQLQJ  WLPH  RI  WKH  ¿UVW  IHDWXUH  DW  WKH  complimentary tickets and a promise to return
       cinema, it may have been necessary to make  and pay for the fuel of course, no doubt helped
       two trips.                          his case.

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