Page 36 - CinemaRecord #81
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adly, we often read in  CinemaRecord of   A community based group, Friends of the Regal,
                                           Stheatres and cinemas that once were and   was formed after the 2006 closure. Headed by
                                           are no longer. It is very pleasing therefore to be   local resident David Horkan, who incredibly
                                           able to report on one cinema that died and has   had never been to a screening at the old Regal,
                                           come back to life, brighter and better than ever.  the group has more than 1600 members and has
                                                                                spent the past seven years working towards the
                                           When the  Regal  Cinema Birmingham   re-opening.
                                           Gardens (in suburban Newcastle) NSW closed
                                           on October 31, 2006 after over 60 years of   The Friends were joined, most notably, by Jo
                                           operation, it looked as though that might be the   Smith, executive director of the Australian Guild
                                           end of the Regal story.  The operator Mr Bruce   of Screen Composers, and other prominent
                                           Avard, who had almost single-handedly run the   PHPEHUV RI WKH $XVWUDOLDQ ¿OP LQGXVWU\ WR OHQG
                                           single screen venue for 38 of those years, was   their support to saving the cinema.
                                           forced to close the cinema due to the prohibitive
                                           cost of required safety upgrades to the then 75   Over time the NCC was persuaded to gift the
                                           year old, Newcastle City Council (NCC) owned   building and land to the Regal Cinema Building
                                           building.                            Trust. State Labor M.P. Sonia Hornery arranged
                                                                                a $141,700 grant to refurbish the cinema and
                                           Most people in Newcastle and surrounding   a digital projection suite fell into the Regal’s
                                           areas have a Regal story, always positive: about   hands at a very good price.
                                           VHHLQJ ¿OPV WKH\ ZRXOGQ¶W RWKHUZLVH KDYH KDG   The assistance and generosity of the NCC and
                                           D FKDQFH WR VHH  RI 0U $YDUG¶V SDVVLRQ IRU ¿OPV   the hard work of numerous supporters, sponsors
                                           that was passed on to his patrons, of meeting   and suppliers has resulted in the  Regal being
                                           up with friends at the Regal or of going there   returned to the community that loved it so much.
                                           on dates, of the great handmade choc tops and
                                           other treats, all served up in ridiculously tight   Whilst the  Regal is still a community hall at
                                           foyer spaces.                        heart, the new owner and custodian the Regal
                                                                                Cinema Building Trust, has polished it for a new
                                           There is much love for the Regal as it was.  era.
                                           But this cinema was to live to screen another   The old wooden framed chairs have been
                                           day.                                 stripped of years of chewing gum and worse and
                                           In the ensuing seven plus years, members   now have beautiful new red velvet covers and
                                           of the community, a number of industry   stained and polished frames.
                                           professionals and representatives from  all   /LNH D ORW RI ROG ¿OPV WKDW KDYH EHHQ GLJLWDOO\
                                           levels of government and all sides of politics   restored, these chairs look better than new.
                                           have supported the cause and played their part
                                           in helping to resurrect  the Regal.

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