Page 37 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 37

The screen is now covered with new red velvet
       walls, the building has been painted inside
       and out, there are new exit stairs and a newly   In the words of Trust director Jo Smith, “The
       constructed stage.                  Regal will screen the best of foreign-language
                                           ¿OPV  DQG GRFXPHQWDULHV  DORQJVLGH WKH TXDOLW\
       The 100 restored chairs have plaques attached,   ¿OPV  Regal audiences were accustomed to
       a testament to the sponsors who paid $150 per   seeing under the wonderful direction of Bruce
       seat to assist with the funding of the project.   Avard”.
       Fundraising is on-going.
       The affection that many people have for the   The newly refurbished 108 seat cinema had
       Regal was obvious in the support and help that   LWV  RI¿FLDO  UHRSHQLQJ  RQ  )ULGD\  )HEUXDU\
       has been provided.                  2014, then followed with  a weekend program
                                           RI  TXDOLW\  ¿OPV   VWDUWLQJ  DSSURSULDWHO\  ZLWK
       In addition to the help from volunteers, other   Cinema Paradiso and continuing with Academy
       cinema operators from near and far provided   $ZDUG  QRPLQDWHG  ¿OPV  Philomena,  Dallas
       advice and assistance, paid tradesmen often   Buyers Club and  The Great Beauty.
       provided materials free of charge or billed the   Tickets are still only $7, but time hasn’t
       Regal well below what they quoted.   completely stood still: at the new Regal you can
                                           book online or perhaps take advantage of offers
       The grant money, in the capable hands of Project   RI GULQNV EHIRUH D ¿OP RU ³DIWHUQRRQ WHD ZLWK
       Manager Christopher Saunders, thus stretched   Philomena”. You can also partake of a Classic
       further than expected.  They were able to   Regal Choc  Top, to complete the experience,
       undertake works such as the chairs and curtains   just $3.
       that were not part of the original quantity
       survey, which was focussed on structural rather   The reborn Regal is living proof that miracles
       than cosmetic work.                 can happen.

       Something few customers will get to see is
       the NEC 2K digital projector and associated   Photographs: Christopher Saunders, David Horkan,
       equipment, looking very out of time and   “Friends of the Regal” members and “Regal Rebuilt”
       place in the tiny upstairs projection room.   on facebook.
       The equipment was generously provided, at a   ZĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ͗ Interview with David Horkan, Friends of
                                           ƚŚĞ ZĞŐĂů͕ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ ϭϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ͘
       reduced price, by Kennedy Miller Mitchell who   Newcastle Herald, Newcastle Star Newspapers.
       were looking to sell off the projection suite from
       their Happy Feet 2 studio.          ͞&ƌŽŶƚ ^ƚĂůůƐ Žƌ  ĂĐŬ͟Ͳ <͘ :͘  ŽƌŬ Θ >͘Z͘ dŽĚ ϭϵϵϯ.

       The  Trust plans to initially operate the
       venue, with Friday to Sunday screenings,
       as a community cinema, then hand over to
       a commercial operator at a time when the
       remaining bills are paid.

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