Page 38 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 38


                                             t was around August 1981 when I started working for Roy Denison at the South Coast
                                           IDrive-In Theatre at Port Elliot.  Roy also owned the Victa Theatre at Victor Harbor
                                           and the Riverview Drive-In at Murray Bridge.

                                           Roy was a friend of my father and generously   :KHQ  VXI¿FLHQW  FDVHV  KDG  EHHQ  SROLVKHG   WKH
                                           offered me work at the South Coast Drive-In   front and backs would be laid out at about 70 a
                                           assembling drive-in speakers.  This involved   time along the cafeteria counter which was lined
                                           ¿QLVKLQJ WKH FDVHV WR UHPRYH DQ\ VSUXH OHIW DIWHU   with old one sheet posters and newspaper.
                             Port Elliot aerial.  moulding, then polishing the cases on the buffer
                                           with a wire brush. I could manage about 100   I would then go along and punch in the grills
                                           cases a day.                         using a tube spanner. Next the volume control
                                                                                was inserted and tightened with the tube
                                           7KLV ZDV GLUW\ ZRUN  $OXPLQLXP GXVW ZRXOG À\   spanner. The speaker cone was then inserted and
                                           everywhere and by the end of the day you would   soldered to the volume control. The hanger was
                                           be covered in it.                    screwed to the back of the case, the link cable
                                           2Q WKH ¿UVW GD\ , GLGQ¶W ZHDU DQ\ JRJJOHV DQG   was pulled through the hole in the back of the
                                           the dust got into my eyes. I must have looked a   speaker and soldered to the volume control, a
                                           real treat by the end of the day covered in silver   small spring was placed between the back of the
                                           dust with eyes as red as beetroot.   speaker cone and speaker case and then the front
                                                                                and back were put together with two screws.
                                           All this work was done in what we called
                                           “The Lube”. The Lube was our workshop and   In one day we could turn out 140 speakers.
                                           was stacked to the ceiling with old projectors,   These were then sold through Greater Union
                                           UHFWL¿HUV   DQG  HYHU\WKLQJ  \RX  HYHU  QHHGHG  WR   Theatre Supplies and sold throughout Australia.
                                           UXQ D GULYH LQ  :KHQ WKH GULYH LQ ¿UVW RSHQHG
                                           a service station operated on the site - hence the
                                           nick-name “The Lube”.

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