Page 22 - CinemaRecord #76C
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Bijou and Gaiety Theatres, Melbourne.  Harry Gratton Jnr at the Padua Theatre in 1968.

                                                 Harry Gratton - Junior.            Having  attained  his  Cinematograph
                                                                                    Operators  Licence,  Harry  moved  to  a
                                                 Born in July 1909 in Manchester (England),   succession  of  theatres  in  the  Hoyts/
                                                 Harry Jnr. was the second child and first son   Associated  chain,  including  the  Gaiety
                                                 of Harry and Florrie Gratton.      Bourke  Street  in  1929;  Lyric  Fitzroy;
                                                                                    Cinema Richmond; back to the Empire
                                                 At around age 12, Harry contracted Polio   Brunswick;  Mayfair  Bourke  Street
               Melbourne Gaiety, Interior.       leaving him with a physical disability to   Melbourne;  Barkly  Footscray  in  1934;
                                                 one of his legs.  The disability restricted   Plaza  Essendon  1935  and  Circle
                                                 Harry  in  some  activities  although  he   Essendon 1950 where he remained until
                                                 was a very good swimmer, and when old   the theatre closed in December 1966.
                                                 enough  to  have  a  licence,  a  competent
                                                 motorcyclist.                      This  was  followed  by  a  short  stint  at
                                                                                    the  Trocadero  Footscray  until  it  closed
                                                 He  often  told  of  his  youthful  exploits,   in  March  1967  which  was  immediately
                                                 when  he  and  his  mate,  Harry  Arney   followed by sixteen months at the Padua
                                                 (who also became a projectionist) would   Brunswick until its closure under Hoyts,
                                                 ride  their  motorbikes  along  Sydney   in July 1968.
                                                 Rd  in  Brunswick  and  grab  homeward-
                                                 bound  workers  kitbags  from  the  open   For his “day” job Harry worked for many
                                                 doorways  of  moving  trams  then  return     years  at  the  Hoyts  publicity  despatch  at
                                                 the  bags  when  they  were  further    the rear of Melbourne’s DeLuxe/Esquire
                                                 down the road.                     Theatre  in  Bourke  Street.  This  was
                                                                                    followed by a long period at Val Morgan
                                                 His start in the picture business at age 15   & Sons, Elizabeth Street until 1965.
                                                 happened on the 20  October 1924, when
                                                 his  father,  Harry  Snr,  arrived  home  that   In his final years of employment, having
               Brunswick Empire.                 afternoon and told Harry Jnr, “you start   run  out  of  theatres  -  Harry  worked
                                                 at the Empire tonight!”            in  the  accounts  section  of  Repco  in
                                                                                    Elizabeth Street.

                                                                                    In the late 60’s Harry and his wife Una,
                                                                                    went on an around the world cruise.

                                                                                    While  having  an  extended  stay  in
                                                                                    England,  Harry  returned  to  Manchester
                                                                                    to visit his old home. Once there he could
                                                                                    not get over just how small and confined
                                                                                    were  the  streets  and  house  in  which  the
                                                                                    family had lived all those years before.

                                                                                    The  Grattons  had  three  sons,  none  of
                                                                                    whom had any desire to follow their father
                                                                                    or grandfather into the picture business.

                                                                                    After  a  short  illness,  Harry  Jnr.  passed
               Padua Theatre, Brunswick.
                                                                                    away in June 1988.

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