Page 18 - CinemaRecord #76C
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n February 1883, Henry (Harry) Gratton   Harry secured a job as a labourer with H.V.   Meanwhile  in  Brunswick  the  construction
              Iwas born in Manchester, England.  McKay  (Sunshine  Harvesters)  Engineering   of a new picture theatre, The Empire, was
                                                 Company where he lasted for one week.   under-way.  The architectural design and fit-
              After having reached third grade schooling                            out was similar to the Moonee Ponds (1911)
              standard, Harry commenced work at the age   Following this experience, he approached   and Northcote (1912) theatres.  The purpose
              of  11  years,  with  Crossley  Brothers.  Ltd,   the  Melbourne  Branch  of  Crossley   built picture theatre was being erected on the
              Manchester,  where  he  trained  as  a  fitter.   Brothers and by demonstrating his ability   site of the former Retreat Open-Air show.
              In  August  1905,  Henry  married  Florence   at being able to test a Crossley engine, he
              Duggins who gave birth to their four children:   was at once taken on.   The  Empire  Picture Theatre  Company  was
              Florence, Henry Jnr, Lena and Fred.                                   formed by Thomas Crisp, a wealthy Sydney
                                                 His first job was to overhaul the Crossley   Road,  Real  Estate  Agent.  Other  investors
              Over  time  in  his  employment  at  Crossley   Gas  Engine  at  the  Red  White  and  Blue   that  formed  the  board  of  directors  were
              Bros, Harry Snr. became involved with the   Mine in Bendigo.          local  businessmen, Thomas  Passfield,  John
              Union  movement,  making  him  somewhat                               Connelly and Doctor R.W. Kiel.
              unpopular with the establishment.
                                                                                    At  this  time  Brunswick  did  not  have  a
              During  1911  after  going  on  strike  in                            reticulated electricity supply, so the theatre
              sympathy with other men of the union, Harry                           directors  undertook  to  install  a  Crossley
              was dismissed from Crossley Bros, and not                             Gas  Engine  generating  plant.    Harry  was
              seeing much of a future in England the family                         commissioned to undertake the installation,
              packed up and immigrated to Australia.                                to be housed in a brick plant room abutting
                                                                                    David Street, situated behind the theatre.
              Arriving  in  Melbourne  they  soon  settled  in
              inner-northern suburb of Brunswick, and it was                        The opening date of 27 June, 1912 for the
              here their third child, daughter Lena was born.                       newly constructed Empire Theatre was fast
                                                                                    approaching,  and  the  management  became
                                                                                    rather concerned that should they experience
               Retreat Picture-Show, Brunswick                                      any  difficulty  with  the  Crossley  generating
                                                                                    plant.  How  could  they  ensure  reliable
                                                                                    conduct of their new picture-theatre?  With
                                                                                    the  possibility  of  a  breakdown  the  Empire
                                                                                    Picture Theatre Company offered Harry the
                                                                                    job as theatre engineer.
                                                                                    In a testimonial to Harry at his retirement
                                                                                    in  1954,  the  M.H.R.  for  Burke,  E.W.
                                                                                    Peters recounted – “Some like myself will
                                                                                    remember  Neil  Gows’  Open-Air  Theatre
                                                                                    on the land where the Empire now stands.
                                                                                    The  shows  were  punctuated  by  breaking
                                                                                    films  and  sometimes  ended  very  early
                                                                                    because  of  rain.  The  Empire  that  took
                                                                                    its  place  was  regarded  as  the  last  thing
                                                                                    in  luxury  and  efficiency,  with  its  padded
                                                                                    seats, carpeted floors and courteous staff
                                                                                    elegantly  attired.    There  we  saw  Max
                                                                                    Linder, Mary Pickford, Tom Mix, Charlie
                                                                                    Chaplin and others.”

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