Page 20 - CinemaRecord #76C
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On arrival, Harry found he was not needed
              and again took a job with Crossley in their
              gas  plant,  then  commissioned  for  the  war
              effort.By  mid-1916  with  a  reference  and  a
              wartime clearance, Harry returned alone to
              Australia aboard the SS “Osterley”, leaving
              his wife and children, including a new-born
              son,  Fred,  safely  with  his  mother  at  West
              Gorton, Manchester.

              His  brother,  Tom  Gratton  died  at  the
              war  having  won  the  British  War  and
              Victory Medals. Upon arrival in Melbourne,
              and  back  in  Brunswick,  Harry  became  the
              manager of the Empire Theatre.

              The  business  prospered  and  during  this  time
              Harry made the theatre available free of charge                              The Alhambra Theatre, Brunswick.
              for patriotic concerts. The Vaudeville part of the
              nightly program featured such household names
              as Carrie Moore, Jim Gerald, Leonard Nelson,   About this time Harry’s eldest son, Harry Jnr,
              Roy Rene, Vaude and Verne and many others   contracted polio - leaving him with a lifelong
              who  appeared  under  the  Tivoli,  Williamson,   physical disability.   Harry Jnr. became a long
              Fuller and Musgrove banner.        term Hoyts projectionist until the closure of
                                                 the Padua Brunswick in 1968.
              Back in England Harry’s wife and children
              were  having  a  hard  time  of  it,  as  much  of   By 1923 Associated Theatres had absorbed
              the money sent by Harry never arrived when   the  Brunswick  theatres,  Empire,  Lyric
              ships  did  not  always  make  it  through.    A   and  Alhambra  into  their  ever  expanding
              trained dental nurse prior to her marriage to   chain. By 1925 Associated Theatres, Frank   Alhambra Brunswick.
              Harry in 1905, Florrie supported her family   Thring’s  Electric  Theatres  and  Hoyts
              working  in  munitions  manufacturing  at   Pictures were partners in all but name.   On Thursday evening of the 24  November,
              Armstrong and Whitworth.  From war’s end                              1927, the Empire made the news headlines
              until the time she and the children returned to   On the 10  of November 1926 Hoyts Theatres   with the showing of the film The Callahan’s
              Australia in 1920, Florrie was employed as a   Ltd  was  incorporated  and  so  the  Empire   and Murphy’s when the theatre was picketed
              Singer Sewing Machine representative.  came  under  the  Hoyts  banner  -  although   and stoned and mounted troopers under the
                                                 still  technically  an  Associated  Theatre.   direction of General Blamey who was at the
              At  the  end  of  1922  the  employees  of  the   Associated was not fully merged until 1937,   time Commissioner of Victorian Police, were
              Empire presented Harry with an illuminated   by which time Hoyts had constructed their   called to break up the ensuing riot.
              address in appreciation of the goodwill shown   wonderful  Padua  Theatre  further  north
              to them and the high standard at which the   atop of the Sydney Road hill and there-after
              theatre operated under his stewardship.  relinquished their lease with the Empire.

                                 The Padua Brunswick under construction.

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