Page 19 - CinemaRecord #76C
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The Empire Theatre in 1912.
Following the success of Melbourne’s first At the outbreak of World War One in 1914,
purpose-built suburban picture-theatre, the Harry Gratton immediately wanted to return The Brunswick Lyric.
Lyric in Prahran, the Brunswick Theatre to fight for the mother country. Harry and
Company was formed and purchased John the family returned to England after having
(Whelan the Wrecker) Whelan’s second a blazing row with his wife Florrie, who did
hand timber yard on the corner of Michael not want to go back.
Street and Sydney Rd in Brunswick for
the construction of the second Lyric It was a long journey as the ship had to
theatre - with the third Lyric being sail via the Cape of Good Hope and was
opened in Fitzroy the following year.The delayed at Durban for quite some time,
Brunswick Lyric also housed a separate enough for Harry Jnr. and sister Florrie to
ballroom and billiard room. attend school there.
With the opening of the Empire, there was
real competition between the two theatre
companies - the luxurious Empire with its
film/vaudeville policy and the Lyric with its
all-film programme.
In 1913 a merger took place between
the Empire and Lyric theatres to form
Brunswick Theatres Ltd.
Meeting in the Lyric Theatre, Brunswick.