Page 15 - CinemaRecord #21R.pdf
P. 15
Ken Lemmon - Projectionist by Brian Hunt and Trevor Walters
Following on from our visit to the Windsor Theatre on 28/12/97 we then called on Mr Ken Lemmon at the
Eastwood Hostel, Kingston Centre, Cheltenham. Trevor previously interviewed Ken in 1994 regarding the "New
Mentone Theatre" where Ken worked as a projectionist (refer issue number 4).
The New Mentone - "Super Suburban Talkie Theatre" (Courtesy of Mentone Historical Society)
Both Trevor and Brian used to attend the "New Mentone Theatre" in their younger days. Ken started in the
industry as a young boy working at the "Old" Mentone Theatre in Brindsi Street, which screened silent films as
well as being a roller skating rink.
The Old Mentone Theatre