P. 5
Tivoli Theatre, Brisbane, a few days before its opening on 15 May 1915 Tivoli Theatre, Brisbane, a few days before its opening on 15 May 1915
On pages 7 and 8 of CinemaRecord #96, in Les Tod’s
article on Brisbane’s Tivoli and Roof Garden theatres,
incorrect photographs of the interiors of these theatres were
inadvertently published.
The correct images of the Tivoli Theatre, which should
have been published, are shown above, and that of the Roof
Garden Theatre is shown at the left.
The incorrect photograph on page 7 of CinemaRecord #96
was, in fact, the auditorium of Brisbane’s Her Majesty’s
Theatre, and that on page 8 was of the Ipswich
Wintergarden Theatre.
We apologise for this error.
Roof Garden Theatre, Brisbane, c. 1930.
Letters continued … me so much pleasure and has led to the making
Dear Members, of so many good friends seems to me to be
Dear Editors, astonishing.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank
This is to acknowledge my pleasure in having those responsible for nominating me for, and The award certificate takes pride of place in my
been nominated for the Life Membership awarding me a Life Membership of CATHS at home cinema for all to see, I feel honoured to
award. I feel humbled in accepting it for as well the November meeting. have received it and thank all those responsible.
as the work I put in during the early years of
CATHS I was not alone. Any perusal of the It came as a complete surprise to me. Even Mike Trickett
early records will show the pattern of activities though I am a member of the current committee, ★
was set by the very enthusiastic membership of the discussions and arrangements were all done
the day. without my knowledge - as I said on the day, Dear Editors,
they were sneaky buggers!
In particular I would like to pay tribute to Ken A short note to say how much I appreciate
Tulloch for the use of his theatrette, Graham I feel very honoured to have received the award receiving the product of your hard work each
Smythe and Alan Windley for the provision of alongside of Fred Page - a tireless worker for quarter.
Super 8 screen entertainment (all deceased) and CATHS in the early days. Our correspondence
Rod Cook for being the leading player in public files show just how much work he put into The added enhancement of colour pages adds
tours of the derelict Regent Theatre in 1993, CATHS back in those pre-email days. that extra dimension to the magazine. I would
which resulted in CATHS having a sound love to see it become an all colour production,
financial standing. Another major contributor I must also pay tribute to the late Gerry but realise that most of the older pictures are in
to the Regent event was Ivan McGuire who Kennedy, a person whom I met on the first day good old black and white and not a lot would
spent days prior to the occasion making the I attended a CATHS meeting back in 1997. He be achieved.
building electrically safe. not only had a vast knowledge of cinemas and
theatres, which he was always willing to share, Although I can’t get to meetings, I still derive
I am proud of the award and grateful to the but also had the ability to pass on that a great deal of pleasure from the magazine and
committee for presenting it to me. I must also enthusiasm to others, myself included. Over the the occasional contact with the members via
record my pleasure in witnessing Mike Trickett years, we became close friends, taking part in email.
being awarded the same honour. numerous tours and trips together.
Kind regards
Regards To receive an award for doing something that
Fred Page I love doing for an organisation which has given Bob Godfrey