P. 8
Mike Trickett
he Proserpine district was first settled by The first Eldorado Picture Theatre was set When completed, Mr. Johns moved his picture
TEuropean pastoralists in the 1870s. up in the Alexandra Hall next to the Palace plant from the Alexandra Hall to the new
Proserpine township and district developed Hotel in Main Street by Albert Setter. In May building. The opening night of the first
quickly after the establishment of the 1919, the enterprise was taken over by Setter’s Eldorado Theatre was held on the
Proserpine Central Sugar Mill in 1897. son-in-law, Joseph Johns. 16 December 1922.
The growing popularity of films in the early Johns decided to build his own picture theatre This picture theatre had a prominent concrete
twentieth century led to the construction of and purchased land on the corner of Main and and brick façade facing Main Street with an
many open-air theatres or simple shed-like Chapman Streets. Townsville architect, angled entrance area to provide for advertising
buildings as permanent venues for showing Mr. Lynch, called for tenders for the erection posters. Behind the façade the single storey
films. In the capital cities, most picture theatres of the theatre and a start was made on the corrugated iron auditorium with timber
or “picture palaces” as they were often called, building in September 1922. buttresses extended along Chapman Street.
were owned by theatre chains. However, in
regional Queensland, most small picture
theatres were independently owned.
Below: The first purpose built Eldorado Theatre. Image: State Library of Queensland.
It is not known when the first pictures were
screened in Proserpine, but The Townsville
Daily Bulletin of 17 August 1916 notes that
“The Eldorado Pictures were packed to its
utmost on Saturday last. A good number were
turned away from the hall.” And the following
news item from the Townsville Daily Bulletin
suggests that films were screened in the
Oddfellows Hall before being moved to the
Alexandra Hall in Main Street.