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Sweden. A fundraising scheme was being run
where clubs (usually local football clubs)
would hire these promoters to show porno
films and that would be followed by a
striptease artist. Usually we would get a phone
call from a mother or wife of a club members
about the intended show. We would then raid
the premises. It was intended to seize the film
and interview the operator. Of course the
audience didn't know that, and when we burst
into the local hall (whilst the show was
running) and announce our presence, it was
usually pandemonium with people diving out
the doors and windows. The seized film was
then taken back to the old North Fitzroy Police
Station where we had a small theatrette. We
would view the films there, for evidence
purposes. They were usually made by Climax
During that period, David Johnston was the
projectionist at the Sunset Drive-in at
Maribyrnong. He arranged for me to relieve
the assistant on his night off. David trained me
in the art of threading projectors, changing Sunset Drive-in, Maribyrnong
carbons after cleaning out the lamp houses,
rewinding film and showing the slides at change overs. He would return just before projecting on to the curtains. I immediately
interval. interval. On another occasion he did the same said #*)+/ and pressed the button to open the
but, when interval arrived, Bill didn't appear. curtains, but nothing happened. I was thinking
I believe it was at that stage I purchased two So I thought I had better start the slides. The that I would have to go down and try to open
old AEG 35 mm projectors which I spent my slide projector was a manual adjusted carbon them. I then realised that Julie Andrews was
time trying to restore. Later, I purchased two arc machine. I started it up and the audio tape. singing on the stage in front of these red velvet
De Vry semi portables from a hall at As each slide was projected, I would tweak curtains. The illusion was so real and blended
Thomastown, which I still possess. the carbon adjustment. I don't know whether a in with the theatre decor. What relief.
slide was out of sequence, or I picked out the
The Forest Hill Cinema was a very attractive wrong one, but Rosemary Margan was talking The film exchanges would sometimes send
theatre, modern with about 400 seats on one about another slide than the one which was on prints for preview. After the show finished,
raked level, a large screen with a stage and the screen. I could not rectify it, so I turned the David would arrive after his stint. Bill said,
lighting for live shows. The curtains were of a machine off and let Rosemary finish her "We will go and down and watch the show.
red velvet type. There was a room next to the commentary on the tape. Bill appeared and You can run it." I would rather it be the other
projection box with a lighting and sound said that there were no slides on the screen. I way around, as they were not slow to criticise
console. Occasional live show were held told him that the arc went out and I lost my my efforts.
there, usually school plays. I met the then place before I could get it going again.
proprietor, Bill Templeton. On one occasion After about twelve months, the Estate
when I called in to see him while a show was On another occasion, whilst I was on my own, Managing Agents said to Bill that he was an
on, he said to me that he hadn't had his tea yet the film Star was showing with Julie excellent tenant, but they required a certain
and would I take over while he went to the Andrews. I was rewinding the spools as they return on their investment and the rent would
cafe next door, which I did. It was no problem came off, went back to the machine and have to be doubled. Bill said that under the
as the Xenon lamps on both machines were looked through the porthole and saw that circumstances he could not continue. The
on, and it was only a matter of doing the curtains were closed and the image was theatre was then taken over by Wards/Village
and later closed. Hoyts now have their 10
cinema complex operating.
In retirement, I had my home cinema. My
pride was the pair of Toshiba TP10s in cinema
one. In cinema two, I had my trusty De Vry's.
I also had a pair of GBs which I have restored.
They came from the Strand in Ashford NSW,
so I called my setup Strand One and Strand
Two. The reason for having two cinemas is
because Strand One was in the house and I
had grave concerns about running nitrate film
there. ✶
Images from CATHS Archive
This article was written by Don Flowers in 1999,
and was previously published in CinemaRecord 27.
Forest Hill Cinema