Page 5 - CR-95
P. 5
Mainline Drive-in, Gepps Cross
The historic Thebarton Theatre may be in The Editors
Young South Australian, Jessica Gale, has line for a major makeover as it nears its CinemaRecord
instigated a fund-raising effort to help repair centenary. Weslo Holdings, the theatre's
Adelaide’s last drive-in theatre, the Mainline, operators, have asked West Torrens Council Congratulations on Issue 94, which has a
which was partially destroyed in a ram-raid to fund a master plan for the makeover. The good spread of articles and some great
and fire on 29 April 2017. Jessica says that the council's chief executive officer described the images. The cover story on the Piccadilly
money will be donated directly to Wallis theatre as "iconic and important". Weslo by John Thiele was very interesting and his
Cinemas under the condition that it will be Holdings director Bob Lott said ideally the colour photos were exceptional. I also
used solely for the re-opening of the drive-in. building should be renovated before its enjoyed Cameron Hall's article on Hoyts
Jessica is also hoping to nominate the theatre centenary in 2028. His letter calls for repairs Mid City Cinemas. In his discussion on
as a heritage site. to the ceiling, replacing seats, new lighting, Brutalist architecture, he mentions the Total
Source: upgrades to the bar and installation of solar Car Park as an outstanding example. That
last-drivein/donate. panels. The Thebarton Theatre was built in building was erected in 1964 on the site of
1926 for £30,000 - about $2.3 million in the former Savoy Theatre (and other
Regal Theatre, Marryatville today's money - and opened its doors two years adjacent buildings,) and initially contained
later. It closed as a film venue on 3 July 1965, a 400 seat theatre/restaurant, the Lido, in
it is now used regularly as a concert Venue. the basement. This opened in 1965 and,
The City and the Fringe 2 August 2017 after a few good years, it eventually failed.
It was converted to the Total Cinema,
Adelaide seating 250, operating as such from 1974
The Festival Theatre will be closed from 23 to 1979. It then reverted to use as a
July 2017 to 26 December 2017 for major nightclub and is still operating as Billboard
works to be done which include foyer Nightclub in 2017.
renovations, restaurants and bar upgrades and
the car park to be rebuilt. Royce Harris
Adelaide - From the Past
One of the people who saved and re-vitalised The Advertiser in 1950, reported that the
the Chelsea Cinema in Adelaide’s eastern Tivoli Theatre was passed in at auction on
suburb of Marryatville, wants to expand the Thursday 27 April at £49,000! Owned by To Cinema & Theatre Historical Society
rebadged Regal Theatre into a multi-screen Adelaide Theatres Ltd. [Ozone Theatres] Mr.
complex. Michael Todd’s company took over Clyde Waterman said all negotiations would Sirs,
the troubled Chelsea in 2012 and re-named it. be suspended to give theatrical interests who
Now Mr. Todd is planning a multi-million wanted to keep the Tivoli as a theatre to submit At a recent visit to my hairdresser, I was
expansion which could see another five some proposals! It was purchased by reading a copy of your magazine, Cinema
cinemas being built next door to the Regal in J.C. Williamsons in 1955. Record, Edition 93 2017, and was very
Kensington Road. He promised that the art- impressed with the content matter and
deco Regal would remain largely untouched. NEW SOUTH WALES quality of production. Having grown up in
Source: ABC News Site a small town with only one picture theatre,
Yass to read about many other theatres was
Prospect highly interesting. I was wondering how
The former Liberty Theatre (1939) in Yass one would go about joining your
is for sale again. In recent times, it has been organisation so as to receive regular issues
the home of two community groups, the Yass of this great magazine?
Repertory Society and the Yass Art and Craft
Co-op The for sale notice advises that the Yours sincerely,
theatre has remained largely untouched since
closing in 1974, and that many of the original Rory Townsend
fittings remain intact. NSW
Newsreel Contributors:
Colin Flint, Tony Tibballs, Roderick
Smith, Frank Van Straten, Ian Smith, Allan
The $20 million cinema project of 14 screens
for Palace Nova is scheduled to open late Webb, Mike Trickett.
October or early November. The project is
very unusual with its art deco design and mixed
use for cinemas, shops, offices and parking. Correction: CR#94, Page 29 - The caption under
the Kirk Douglas picture says El Cid. It should
Source: City Messenger 2 August 2017.
have read Spartacus.