Page 8 - CinemaRecord #84
P. 8
Over the years, many proscenium was moved forward and the
alterations were made to opening widened to allow for an increase in
the Town Hall and the stage and wings space. Various parts of the
adjoining Civic Centre. old shire offices were incorporated or
At the time of my first converted into rehearsal spaces, multi-
visit in 1997, there had purpose areas, dressing rooms, expanded
been extensive backstage foyer and catering spaces. A 100 seat
work, the construction of café/bar area was also incorporated into the
a fly tower, and the complex.
refurbishment of the
balcony seats in red In 2013, further extensive works were
fabric. A red geometric undertaken to improve the performance
pattern carpet had been facilities. A thrust extension was made to the
laid in the foyers, with stage, the fly-tower was extended and state of
matching mats to cover the art LED lighting and sound equipment
various parts of the new was installed. Improvements were made to
jarrah dance floor (as the dressing rooms and a new kitchen was
required by hirers). added. Improvements were also made to bar
and foyer spaces.
The colour scheme of the
auditorium had been The Swan Hill Performing Arts Centre is a
changed to light and dark very impressive venue for the arts. It was
blue and lemon. The even used as a commercial cinema by
balustrading had been Twilight Cinemas prior to the opening of
changed to brass with their new Showbiz Cinemas in December
glass walls added to the 2013.
top of the central References:
staircase. The ceilings
Swan Hill Genealogical and Historical Society
and cornices in the foyer – Mrs. Bet Jenvey – Research Officer
areas had been painted in The Swan Hill Guardian
various shades of grey, 25July 1927
blue and beige. 16 September 1935
The complex had been 19 September 1935
home to both city 30 September 1935
council and shire council 11 September 1945
employees over the 23 May 1958
years. In the late 1980s, The Film Weekly – Motion Picture Directory –
Issues 1952 – 58
a new shire council
Hill. The Regent operated 4-5 nights per building was constructed in nearby Splatt Interviews:
week. The remaining weekday nights were Street and most staff were moved to that Mully Pearse Venue Manager
available for general hiring. The Town Hall building. Tim Lewis Acting Venue Manager/Technical
accommodated some 1080 patrons with Manager
about 400 in the balcony. The Town Hall building was later converted
into a Performing Arts Centre (PAC). The Images: Unless noted - Ian Sheen
The Regent was the prominent film house Additional images - see front and back covers
in the region and continued to do excellent
business until O’Halloran Theatres
decided to build their own theatre nearby
in the town.
With the opening of the new Regent
Theatre in Campbell Street on 25 May
1958, the Town Hall cinema was
rebadged the Civic Theatre. O’Halloran
continued to operate both locations until
c.1960s. O’Halloran Theatres also opened
the Swan Line Drive In theatre on the
Murray Valley Highway at Beverford,
some 10 kms west of Swan Hill. With the
advent of TV, colour TV and video,
attendances dwindled at the theatres and
they were closed.
Except for occasional screenings, the
Town Hall reverted to community and
cultural use. In the years c.1992–1996,
Mr. McGinty of Robinvale ran
commercial screenings. These ceased
with the opening of the Oasis Twin
Cinemas (1996–2009) which were
located in the dress circle area of the
former “new” Regent Theatre.