Page 10 - CinemaRecord #81
P. 10

However, it appears the theatre was never
                                                                                properly air-conditioned; ventilation was
                                                                                provided by a large blower fan delivering fresh
                                                                                air into the building through vents in the stage
                                                                                apron, while stale air escaped through gaps in
                                                                                the ceiling decoration and then by vents in the
                                                                                ¿EUR FHPHQW JDEOHG URRI
                                                                                During winter an oil-burning unit supplied
                                                                                warm air, but location of the fuel tank over a side
                                                                                escape passageway caused an on-going dispute
                                                                                with the Board of Fire Commissioners and the
                                                                                Chief Secretary until the matter was settled to
                                                                                the satisfaction of all concerned. External walls
                                                                                were of brick.

                                                                                The theatre’s name was displayed horizontally
                                                                                on the Keira Street awning (neon) and vertically
                                                                                on the façade above (back-lit).
                                                                                A double door on the right of the theatre entrance
                                                                                OHG WR VWDLUV IRU WKH UHQWHG RI¿FHV

                                                                                Cinema patrons gained entry to the theatre
                                                                                WKURXJK ¿YH GRXEOH JODVV GRRUV VHW EDFN IURP
                                                                                the pavement and opening into an extended
                                                                                YHVWLEXOH  ZLWK  WHUUD]]R  ÀRRULQJ  DQG  PXOWL
                                                                                coloured glazed walls and ceiling. Here also
                                                                                ZHUH  GLVSOD\  FDVHV   WLFNHW  RI¿FH   FDQG\  EDU
                                                                                managerial suite, toilets and a wall fountain
                                 KƵƚĞƌ ĞŶƚƌĂŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ ĚŽŽƌƐ͘                      (subsequently removed due to vandalism and
                                                                                replaced with an attractive panel of sculptured
                                                                                ÀRUD DQG IDXQD

                                                                                 KƵƚĞƌ ĞŶƚƌĂŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ ĚŽŽƌƐ͘

        Stalls foyer with stairs to mezzanine level.

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