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The Macquarie Theatre in 1938

            The beautiful carpet throughout the  Opening Night seats prices were -  The usherettes of the Macquarie
          theatre was supplied by Anthony   Circle: two shillings & sevenpence (2/7  upheld their reputation of being “very
          Hordern of Sydney. Who can forget the  = 26 cents), Back Stalls: two shillings  courteous, efficient and the essence of
          Anthony Hordern catalogues sent far  and one pence (2/1 = 22 cents), Front  attraction in the uniform dress”.
          and wide all over NSW to city and  Stalls: one shilling (1/- = 10 cents) and  The usherette service was regarded as
          country customers?                Children: one shilling & threepence  being on par with Australia's leading
            The usual proscenium was changed  (1/3 = 14 cents).                city theatres. “Their graciousness is
          when planning the Macquarie to a     The Usherettes on this Gala night  something for which Gertrude Wharton
          specially designed device which   were Jean Cobb, Daphne Gibbs,      may well take a bow” wrote L. Wade in
          allowed the curtain to completely  Patricia Commins, Joan Sullivan and  1948.
          disappear behind the movie screen.    Noelene Mears.
            The interior ceiling and walls were
          broken into a series of coves concealing
          all the lighting which was supplied and
          fitted by Claude Neon.
            Mad About Music was the film
          shown on Opening Night, starring
          Deanna Durban, a most popular young
          actress and singer.

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