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An inveterate early riser, Henry is
                                                                               remembered for his long-running
                                                                               breakfast program (Fridays, and then
                                                                               Tuesdays too), and famed for his three-
                                                                               hour Saturday night program Bach to
                                                                               Bernstein, which for many years was
                                                                               characterised for its listener involvement
          Henry Jamieson                                                       and weekly quiz with a prize.

                                                                                  In his Daybreak program, Henry
                9.5.1927 - 7.2.2011
                                                                               had the philosophy that listeners
                By Roderick Smith                                              preferred orchestral music at that time
                                                                               of the day rather than songs or opera.
             long-standing and much-respected
                                                                               At one stage, he even had a Bach
         A Melbourne CATHS member,
                                                                               Before Breakfast section.
          Henry passed away on February 7th
                                                                                  Henry was not comfortable with
          2011, after only a few days of
                                                                               computers; when all programs had to
          unexpected health problems.
                                               Henry was cultured, erudite and  be prepared on a computer (from
            His funeral service was held at Holy
                                            with a specialist knowledge of music,  around 2003), he let a colleague
          Trinity Anglican Church, Surrey Hills,
                                            particularly baroque and classical. He  prepare his programs. His style was
          on Friday 11 February. It was packed,
                                            also had a lively sense of humour.    quite laconic. He would nick off early
          as Henry was a local legend in the
                                               Henry and Mary (his second wife)  (8.50) after Daybreak to get to work on
          suburb and was active in the local
                                            were regular attendees of CATHS    time.
          community, the church, community
                                            meetings and field trips. He looked like  Henry also liked trains. For his 80th
          radio and CATHS. This tribute has been
                                            a bohemian professor, with the mop of  birthday, he was taken to Maldon, and
          assembled by drawing on the
                                            wild curly hair, and his perpetual pipe  drove the train.
          recollections of many people.
                                            (unnoticed, he had quit smoking a few  Henry was also a deeply religious
            Henry was a product of his times,  years before his death).        man who for decades wore a Holy
          born at the tail end of a decade of
                                               The total clutter of his shop   medal presented to him in 1975 by
          prosperity (the ‘roaring 20s’). It was an
                                            reinforced the image. Behind the   Archbishop Frank Woods.
          era of technological development: radio
                                            image, there was a breadth of         Surrey Hills residents remember the
          communication, movies with sound,
                                            knowledge, a generosity of spirit, and a  shop, which became the last of its type
          aviation, the automotive industry, Art
                                            deep religious conviction.         in greater Melbourne, and a mecca for
          Deco architecture. Just as today’s boys
                                               Henry spent much time in his    collectors of vintage radio and
          are computer savvy, a 1920s or 1930s
                                            earlier years passing on his love of  recording equipment. One regular
          boy was immersed in evolving
                                            classical music to children by playing  recalled that there was always an open
                                            LPs to them at local youth clubs.   bottle of red wine on the counter at
            Henry was born on the day of the
                                               He was a long time advocate,    lunchtime.
          opening of the first Federal Parliament
                                            supporter and indefatigable volunteer at  Henry also had a regular circle of
          in Canberra. The optimism of the
                                            3MBS FM.  He was also a member of  friends who joined him for lunch and
          decade was soon tempered by the
                                            Music Broadcasting Society Victoria  intellectual conversation at an adjacent
          austerity of the great depression, a
                                            since its very early days, and was  restaurant every month.
          revival, and then WWII. He had
                                            involved in on air presentation       Eulogies were delivered by Henry’s
          attended Primary School in Box Hill,
                                            continuously from 1983. He served in  cousin, who had been like a brother in
          and then Box Hill Grammar. Too young
                                            nearly every voluntary capacity,   childhood, and by son Stuart.
          to go to war, his life changed with the
                                            including as a director.
          death of his father.                                                    Appropriately, the hearse was
            At age 15, he took a job as a                                      English: a 1950s Armstong Siddeley
          technical assistant with the                                         which after leaving the forecourt,
          Commonwealth Film Unit - showing                                     paused outside the shop with the church
          an early enthusiasm for the cinema                                   officials standing on the footpath.
          industry. He had a brief stint with a                                   An elaborate morning tea was
          radio-repair shop in Mont Albert, then                               served in the church hall, which in its
          took up an apprenticeship with Adrian                                own right had been a cinema. In an era
          Knowles, who ran a radio-repair shop in                              when television was not common and
          Union Road, Surrey Hills. This would                                 programming was with USA leftovers,
          become Henry's permanent vocation.                                   the hall had hosted regular screenings
                                                                               of wholesome children's films.
            When Adrian retired in 1970, Henry
          bought the business, and was still                                      Henry had stipulated a generous
          running it until his untimely death. The                             provision of red and white wine - he
          main sign read Jamieson’s, but a small                               was indeed, his own person right to the
          sign in the window still mentioned                                   very end.
                                                                               Photographs provided by R. Smith.
                                                                                       CINEMARECORD 2011 15
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