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Queenstown Paragon
The Paragon Theatre in Queenstown
was screening a one hour show called “A
brief history of this spot”. My wife and I
rolled up just before the 7.30pm
screening and were greeted at the
entrance by a lady who was about to turn
the lights off as she thought no one was
coming. She seemed to be having some Queenstown Paragon
trouble getting the show going so I
thought it would be a good time to take
Alex has done an excellent job on
some photos (with her permission).
renovating and restoring the theatre to
Things were looking grim so she
its former glory. We watched the show
contacted the boss at home and he
seated on comfortable leather couches
came down to sort out the problem.
with video projection operated by his
Following recent bad weather, half the
female assistant.
roof had been replaced and water
damage to the ceiling had been A much earlier theatre once graced
repaired. The owner had requested that a now empty site a few doors away as
the builders cover the projector so that well.
no dust would enter the equipment. So Around the corner in Queenstown’s Queenstown Gaiety/Capitol
problem solved - remove the covers main street, the Gaiety Hall/Capitol
and the show could go on. Theatre also showed films many years And so we made our way back to
ago but is now in use as a primary Devonport to board the Spirit of
health care centre. Tasmania for our return trip to
The last photo stop was at the Melbourne. This concluded a most
Zeehan and its beautifully restored enjoyable 12 days touring around
Gaiety Theatre. The Gaiety and Grand Tasmania.
Hotel building was built in 1898 for
Mr Edward Mulcahy MHA. The
Theatre boasted dimensions greater
than the Hobart’s Theatre Royal and
Town Hall! The Gaiety enjoyed a
degree of prosperity when Zeehan was
the third largest town in Tasmania. It
was the venue for J.C. Williamson’s
Alex Stevenson at the Paragon stage shows which were brought from
The owner is Alex Stevenson who Melbourne, as well as amateur
is the local doctor. We had a long productions. The building is now Zeehan Gaiety
conversation with him and he explained managed by West Coast Heritage Ltd Photographs by Brian Hunt.
that he had made this video which and forms part of the West Coast Additional information from Kevin Adams.
covers the recent history of the Pioneers’ Museum Complex. It is
Paragon Theatre, its days as an indoor currently undergoing further restoration
cricket centre, the glory days of the work as funds become available. The Send YOUR Holiday story
30’s and 40’s, the history of town also once boasted a second live to your CinemaRecord
Queenstown, the West Coast’s convict venue - the long gone Theatre Royal.
history, Aboriginal history and finally
the history of the universe!