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Upping the stakes in April 1955 was
Kerston, The Masked Hypnotist, who Why a
put CATHS’ Ron Northrop under his
spell. Ron was told later that he did a
credible Charleston, even though he
didn’t know the steps (or so he Vomitory?
A straight play, in 1953 and The
Lady’s Not for Burning in 1953 and Ice Yes, it’s an odd word, but correct
Frolics in 1953 on an enlarged stage – in the context of the Plaza
the Plaza tried everything. ‘We are Northcote. Websters Dictionary
averaging 250 – 300 per night (Mon. – describes a vomitory ‘as in Roman
Thurs.), 400 Friday and 1,000 amphitheatres, etc., any of the
Saturday’, wrote Al Mack to Health. entrances leading to the tiers of
‘We are trying to re-establish this seats’.
theatre but are at present suffering
(4) Vomitories were a necessary
heavy losses’.
consequence of the early stadium
Films returned in October 1953, but designs, in which tiered seating at
not just any films; this was a 3D the rear of the stalls was a
season! No other suburban theatre replacement for a balcony. Since the
bothered with the ‘funny glasses’, last row of this modified ‘circle’
choosing instead conventional prints; was never as high as in a balcony
that is, if they bothered to show the theatre, the projection room was
films at all. The theatre took a double also lower, so there was little or no
page spread in the local paper and parallax distortion of the image on
shared the cost with other local the screen. The main advantage
businesses. though, was the enclosed space
Columbia’s Fort Ti and Man in the under the tiers, which was used for
Dark each ran for two weeks and the Clyde was an assistant projectionist offices, staff change rooms and
season concluded with an extended there. He remembers Mr Menck storage areas.
season of Warner’s House of Wax. arriving at the theatre with his wife in a Vomitories can be backstage too,
Plaza advertorials at this time made large black limo. to bring the artists up to stage level,
much of their ‘special equipment’ for The projectors were Cummins and or the orchestra to the pit.
3D presentations. Wilson (C&W) Seniors, probably Any passageway is never an
model CP. Electricity supply was direct
The memories of Clyde Simpson, attractive feature. In the stadium
current. The bio-booth was roomy, with
Fred Page and Ron Northrop have designs of the early 1940s architects
a shiny wooden floor. Back stage, a
helped to recapture the atmosphere of eliminated the vomitory by
single, 12-inch speaker mounted in a
the Plaza in its last years. ‘wrapping ‘ the main foyer along
small box hung from the ceiling.
the side of the auditorium. Stalls
patrons then entered the auditorium
via a side door closer to the screen.
Examples were Circle Preston,
Time Balwyn and Sun Yarraville.
The Astor Ararat is a working
cinema with vomitories similar to
those that existed at the Plaza.
Above: Plaza Northcote