Page 24 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
P. 24

Well before the lease expired, Hoyts                               proprietor of Albury Amusements Ltd,
          were planning to build their own                                     for picture entertainment. The crowd
          theatre.  Hoyts’ final screening in the                              which thronged about the building,
          Regent was on Saturday, 3 April 1937,                                hundreds were disappointed on being
          a few weeks after the opening of the                                 unable to gain admission to the packed
          ultra-modern Hoyts Albury (see                                       interior. The success of Mr Smith’s
          CinemaRecord 61). For some perverse                                  venture in leasing the Regent is already
          reason Hoyts then re-named its building                              assured and a huge complement of fire
          Hoyts New Regent.  The ‘old’                                         class pictures has been secured for
          Regent then closed.                                                  early screening.
            Whether Hoyts knew the ‘old’                                          Luxuriously refurnished, the Regent
          Regent had a new lessee is not known.                                well compares with any theatre in the
          Albury Amusements, a company owned                                   cities. Its fine interior has been
          by Charles H. ‘Pinot’ Smith, a local                                 redecorated and the rich velvets and
          jeweller and businessman, was                                        tapestries in the curtains and
          operating both the Plaza Theatre in the                              upholstery add superlative comfort to
          Mechanics Institute, and the Theatre                                 the lovely environment. On Saturday
          Royal, which was used for dancing. It                                evening, well-dressed men and women
          took over the Regent and in the short                                admired the beauty of the lounge and
          space of three weeks had it extensively                              trod for the first time on deeply padded
          renovated.                                                           carpets in a striking colour scheme of
            When it re-opened on May 1, Hoyts                                  rust, fawn and brown. An already
          was defiantly operating its new theatre                              spacious foyer is given extra
          as Hoyts New Regent, and continued  Universal’s Showboat (1929) was filmed  dimensions by a number of large
          to do so for almost a week. Adjoining  silent, then released as a part-talkie.  mirrors of various shapes placed at
          block advertisements in the local paper                              intervals around the cream walls…
          for two Regent theatres must have                                       In the theatre proper the seats offer
                                      (11)  The seating has been reconditioned and
          caused some confusion for patrons.                                   roomy comfort to patrons who viewed
                                            replaced where necessary, new
            On 30 April 1937, Albury        carpetings laid down and furnishings  new stage curtains in well blended
          Amusements advertised the final   installed. The sound equipment has  shades of gold and orange. The screen
          program in its Plaza Theatre: Tonight  been replaced with Raycophone’s latest  itself is new and of the very latest
          and this afternoon will see the final  production, while new biographs have  Sonora design of which there are only
          presentations of our attractions in the  been set in place. (This implies that  five in Australia…
          Plaza Theatre.  To our Plaza patrons  Hoyts removed its projectors).    It is thought that the proscenium
          we offer our thanks for past patronage                               itself was also altered during the 1937
                                               The stage curtain is of modern
          and extend a hearty welcome to one                                   renovations. Originally rectangular, in
                                (12)        design and harmonises with the general
          and all at our new address.  The next                                much the same shape as it is today, it
                                            effect of the interior. Modern
          day they opened the remodelled                                       featured lighted panels in a different
                                            furnishings have been employed to
          Regent.                                                              design to those there now, and the
                                            decorate the lounge. Velour curtains
            Ironically, some years later, Hoyts                                circular backlit portholes now flanking
                                            and tapestries in rust tonings make a
          would take over the Plaza, and in 1939                               the proscenium were originally five
                                            perfect foil for the walnut occasional
          would successfully campaign against                                  vertical flower shaped designs, one atop
                                            tables and lounges that are placed most
          Charles Smith's request for permission                               the other. The central motif above the
                                            invitingly… The lighting in the
          to exhibit films in his Theatre Royal.                               proscenium was replaced with a
                                            auditorium has been altered so that it
            Of the Regent refurbishment, The  will gradually diminish as the show  different, more modern one. The
          Border Morning Mail reported:     commences. (13)                    pennant shaped features - four of them
            Theatre Transformed.  New          The re-opening attraction was   in all, flanking the top of the
          Management Takes Over.            Libelled Lady, with Myrna Loy, Jean  proscenium, were retained in the new
            Transformed into an ultra modern  Harlow and Spencer Tracy. (14)   design and are still extant.
          amusement house of consummate        The Mail reported of the re-       Later that year, Hoyts had to
          beauty, luxury and comfort, the Regent  opening:                     transfer the Regent licence to Albury
          Theatre will be reopened this evening                                Amusements.   Hoyts wrote to the
                                               From the Plaza to the Regent.
          under the management of Albury                                       Board of Fire Commissioners in May
                                               All roads led to the Regent Theatre  1937 to inform them that its lease was
          Amusements Pty Ltd. For several weeks                                                       (18)
                                            on Saturday evening when this fine  terminated on 5 April 1937.
          workmen have been engaged in
                                            amusement house was again thrown
          carrying out alterations and effecting
                                            open, this time by Mr C H Smith,
          9 L R Tod Collection: see notes under Albury Hoyts   10 Border Morning Mail, Sat 3 April 1937   11 Ibid. Sat 1 May 1937, p7   12 Ibid. Frid 30 April 1937
          13 Ibid. Sat 1 May 1937   14 Ibid. Frid 30 April 30 1937   15 Ibid. Mon 3 May 1937   16 Ian Smith, CATHS Inc. See also comparison with photos, this
          collection.   17 State Records NSW, Op Cit.  Chief Secretary's Department, File 4372, 17/3575. Licence transfer, 10 July 1937   18 Ibid. Hoyts to Board of
          Fire Commissioners, 14 May 1937
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