Page 19 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
P. 19
There is a sequel to this story. Some
weeks later the truck was pulled over in
Adelaide by the Military Police, who
wanted to know how and why it was
fitted with Army-issue tyres! Somehow
all was sorted, and Benbow
Amusements continued to screen films
for the Army. Is there ever an end to the
trouble a dedicated projectionist will go
to bring a program to his anticipating
audience? After the war the Benbow
Chevrolet was eagerly awaited in many
(1, 5)
country towns in South Australia.
Television Bites
Television transmissions commenced
in Adelaide in 1959 and immediately
theatre attendances started to decline. In
1960, Benbow’s screens had contracted
to 14 fixed and six touring venues. The
following year only four fixed screens
were in operation. Film Weekly did not
list any touring shows in 1961;
presumably all had ceased.
During 1969/70 Bill had only one
permanent screen - his beloved
Loberthal theatre. It closed in 1973, but
is now operating again as an
independent cinema.
Bill retired to Minlaton on the Yorke
Peninsula in 1967, where he planned to
open a Drive-in. Earth-works were
started, including preparation for the
speaker pillars, the screen was ordered
and a stand-by power plant obtained.
Bill even added water-cooling to the
gate of one of his projector models, but
a decision was made not to proceed.
The proposed site can still be seen, and Bill’s last project: A water-cooled projector head.
the family has one of the modified
projector heads.
Bill died in February 1994, and with 5. Notes by Bill's sister, Margery
Bill Benbow continued to screen
him went so much of South Australia’s Bungey. Undated - probably his
films well into the 1980s, mainly during cinema history and experience. ★ Eulogy.
holidays, at Institute halls on the Yorke
Acknowledgements: 6. Everyones, 10 December, 1930.
Peninsula - Port Vincent, Yorketown,
My special thanks to Don and June FU SA 791.405.F59
Stansbury - and occasionally at
Benbow, William Benbow’s son and 7. Everyones, 26 May, 1931.
Minlaton. Presently JKL Cinemas
daughter-in-law, for their hospitality, FU SA 791.405.F59
screen each week at Yorketown - still
information and suggestions to follow- 8. Everyones, 7 January 1931
using Benbow projectors originally
up. I also thank Colin Kennett, Alan 9. Everyones, 30 December 1931
installed by WVB himself over 60 years
Windley and Ross King of CATHS.
ago - a fine memorial to a much 10. Everyones, 25November, 1931.
respected, grand old man of South FU SA 791.405.F59
(2) References:
Australia's picture theatres! 11. Sands & McDougal’s South
1. Don Benbow, son of Bill Benbow
Bill Benbow is remembered as a Australian Directory 1946
interviewed by author, 6 August 2007.
fun-loving intelligent man, who was 12. M.R. Talbot, 1992, A Chance to
2. Tom Menzies, SA’s last picture
always good company. He was Read, Libraries Board of South
show man, The News, Adelaide 22
knowledgeable on many subjects, Australia. ISBN 0 7243 0160
February 1984, p37.
which made him an interesting speaker. Chapter 13.
3. Everyones, 4 December 1929
He was a founding member, Chairman
and trustee of the South Australian 4. John F. Ross, 1978, A History of
Motion Picture Industry Provident Radio in South Australia, J.F. Ross,
(5) ISBN 959 5752 0 6. Chapters 2, 3, 4.