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Associated Sound: This Newcastle Panstereo: Panalogic-Panstereo audio Acknowledgments
firm had success with a stereo sound processors and Panalogic automation, I thank Ross King for his insights and
processor. The company is now originally manufactured in the 1990s by images and David Kilderry for his
involved in projection installations. Raidec in Sydney, was excellent overview of the current scene.
Atlab: Incorporates National Theatre equipment which found a world-wide References
Supplies (NTS), Greater Union market. The company has been sold to 1 Internet site ‘Screening the Past.’
Organisation Theatre Supplies Smart Cinema International from the Failures and Successes: local and
(GUOTS) and Village Theatre Supplies USA, but at least until recently retained national Australian sound innovations
(VTS). After the merge it became an Australian connection. 1924-1929. Brian Yecies.
2 New Zealand Vintage Broadcast and
Greater Union Village Technology Pennywise: Pennywise Peripherals Pty.
Projection (NZVBP). No.4 p.2 and No.
(GUVT). It became Atlab Image and Ltd. set up in 1977 Camberwell
6 p.26
Sound Technology after Village (Melbourne) to build and market
3 CinemaRecord 23 p.4
withdrew from the partnership. Ezymation. The company took the 4 CinemaRecord 39 p.26
The equipment from these various automation design of Village 5 Film Weekly 6 May1930
companies includes stereo sound projectionist and technician Mike 6 Everyones 30 April 1930
processors, amplifiers (including the Densely and improved it. Ezymation 7 CinemaRecord 22 p.9
NSW Auditech and Jands), slide has been exported world-wide, even re- 8 CinemaRecord 19 p.6
projectors, cross-over networks, badged by some of the worlds largest 9 CinemaRecord 53 p.10
switching panels, automation units cinema equipment manufacturers like 10 CinemaRecord 22, cover
(both GU Elsten, Ezymation and VTS Christie and Kinoton. Pennywise make 11 Electronics Australia March 1993
units) Tower long-play film systems many automation products for cinema 12 NZVBP 5 p.27
(GUOTS) drive-in speakers (NTS, including the CA 100 and CA 21. 13 NZVBP 4 p.15
RD2, Brady) - almost everything except Village worked with them on some
the actual projector. Some of this developments.
equipment they manufactured Hoyts, Village, Greater Union and
themselves, some was made under Birch Carroll & Coyle have always REEL
license and some others they sold as appreciated their employee’s ideas and
agents for Australian companies (see skills in design, and when appropriate
Pennywise and Ezymation). turn to local engineering firms to make DEALS
Today Atlab supplies electronic the item. The big four - and smaller
cinema advertising systems made in operators too - often find too, that for KEEPING FILM
Asia to Atlab design. price or design, locally produced
Cinetech: The main competitor to replacement parts can be the smart COLLECTORS IN TOUCH
Atlab - Cinetech (Victoria) - is headed alternative.
by former Village house technician There is no current Australasian ENQUIRIES:
Nick Perry. Products include their own projector. The last one from C&W or MIKE TRICKETT
designs, branded as Cinetech, but Fittons was turned out in the 1970s. ★ 25 Fairlie Street
manufactured by others. North Geelong Vic. 3216
Krix: An Australian speaker Images uncredited are from the author’s Phone: AH 03 5278 1986
(Adelaide), favoured by Hoyts and collection. Fax: 03 5278 3545
Village complexes from the 1990s and Email:
now in use all over the world.
MGS-Infaset: Michael Smith, owner
of the Sun Yarraville was one of the
principals in this company which
designed and manufactured
replacement parts for audio amplifiers
and equipment racks.
MGS products display the ‘rising
sun’ logo of the theatre. Most
innovative of them was a hydraulic
projector lift to take a complete 35mm
projector up into a cramped projection
box from a roomier thread-up area
below. These are in use around
Australia (including at the Sun) and as
far afield as Argentina.