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Two cars were involved. One left Built as a high stadium, the former Reporting by:
Mt Gambier with the first two reels, stalls are now Cinema One. The Gerry Kennedy, Ross King, Brian
while interval at the Rivoli was strung balcony has been walled in (concealed Miller, Roderick Smith and Ian Smith
out for as long as possible. Reels three by curtains from the stalls) and divided In Part Two:
and four arrived in the second car with into two cinemas, serviced from one Projection equipment reviewed by Ross
just two minutes to spare. projection room. They are small (48 King
Jeannette and Bill hold in storage seats each) but luxurious. Some venues inspected have not been
the projection equipment and curtains The projector for Cinema One still mentioned. They will be the subject of
from the former Regent Adelaide. We beams from the original port while new later stories.
wish them every success. machines stand either side, an Acknowledgments
All trips should end on a high note impressive projection room upgrade. A CATHS tour requires much
and this one was true to form. In Ararat The balcony foyer is now a 50-seat preparatory work, then single-minded
(12,000), the Astor cinema has always conference room. concentration from a few key people
been an impressive corner building. responsible for timing and safety.
We are indebted to Secretary Mike
At the Riddoch Art Gallery Mt Trickett who made the contacts and
Gambier, a recent conversion of an shaped the itinerary. Brian Miller
1897 hall that showed films as the arranged the bookings and the myriad
Kings, guide Alexia Pichler warned the changes to them as interest grew.
group to tread warily as she escorted us Vice-president Peter Woldfenden was
up rickety stairs in the near dark to coordinator for the South Australia leg
explore the remnants of the theatre and Ross King wrote the pre-tour notes.
gallery. Then up more steps, through a A special thanks is reserved for our
door into - modern, light-filled stoic drivers Mike Trickett and James
administrative offices - Alexia’s work Barrand who, despite their
When CATHS last visited it was still a responsibilities, seemed to enjoy the
place. How often was this surprise
single screen in need of a spruce up. trip like everyone else.
worked on 1940s audiences, especially
How pleasant to walk into the freshly CATHS is indebted to the local guides
in serials? Then of course, a
painted foyer of the busy Astor 3 who generously gave of their time. In
nondescript entrance disguised the lair
Cinema addition to those mentioned in the text,
of a criminal mastermind. ★
we thank Marlene Keane (Koroit) and
John Featherstone (Colac).
Capitol, Warrnambool Former Rivoli, Naracoorte
Former Kings, Mt Gambier
Choice of lighting is important to mood. The balcony lights (top left to right) impart a
cream or soft orange glow.
Left: Bold ceiling lights are the only decorative feature. Image: James Barrand.
Star, Portland