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FRONT OF HOUSE AT THE would go. We would also try to even
out the seating pattern across the
auditorium. There was never any
trouble with drunks or any need to call
the police in my time. There was
usually one girl in charge of each shift
if there was an emergency. Cool heads
were needed the day one poor woman
had a miscarriage.
The sound from the screen was
controlled by an usherette on duty in
By Loraine Wood the dress circle. She sat in the front row
where there was a knob set on a rail
The letter from Hoyts told me that We liked the St James for some reason. just like the volume control on a radio.
my interview had been successful. It Work was sometimes a broken shift It was her call as to how much volume,
was the most exciting news of my life - - on in the morning, then back for the adjusted according to the size of the
accepted to work at the Capitol intermediate, or start with the matinee audience.
Swanston Street, the theatre that always and come back for the evening show. At the end of the show the same
left me goggle-eyed as a child. The The chief of staff would allocate the usherette would ask a selection of
letter explained when to come in for a sessions roster and the area where we lounge patrons for their comments
fitting for my uniform. It was a proud would be on duty. Front Stalls on about the film, the service and their
girl who took her place with the ten Saturday night was NOT the best seats - or record anything else they
other usherettes in the staff line. Here I assignment, but it was shared around, at might like to say. We would write it all
was, dressed for the first time in the least to some extent. The ‘pets’ got the down on a report sheet then take it to
standard uniform the office for
of white blouse, inspection. Of
burgundy top and course at times we
long skirt. would doctor it -
I don’t think an ‘lovely girls, good
usherette’s job was attention to
ever advertised. It patrons, etc’.
was one of those For some
things - you sessions a doorman
fronted up dressed was on hand. He
as best you could, would open the
no references door and direct
needed. They patrons to the right
either liked the or to the left where
look of you or they an usherette was
didn’t. I don’t waiting for them in
think brains had the aisle. Once the
anything to do with show started and
it, height and bust the latecomers
measurement were were seated, we
more important. could also sit
Our work hours down.
matched the four At night after
sessions a day of every city theatre. The Lounge or A row. The more glamorous the peak, some shifts finished early,
work routine was to be on duty for two the girl, the more likely she would be leaving just two usherettes upstairs and
sessions a day, based around a morning rostered to the higher priced seating, or two down. There was a bench seat in
session 10.15am - 1.15pm, matinee so we thought. the back stalls or a lounge seat in the
1.15pm - 4.15, intermediate 4.15pm - The night session was ‘on block’ lounge for those still on duty. I liked
7.30 and the night session 7.15pm - (allocated seating) and some Saturdays the king-size chair in the upstairs foyer
11.00. There was one day off a week. were too. For these sessions we had to from where I could direct patrons
Theatres did not open on a Sunday, so I make sure that patrons went to the right around to the left to the lounge, or up
had a two-day break like most working seat. This sometimes meant moving the stairs to the upper dress circle.
people, except that the days were rarely people who had misheard my instructions
The Capitol was a single balcony
consecutive. (“Leave four and take the next two”) and
theatre with two levels of entrances.
On the day off some of us might go those who had deliberately moved after I The front balcony (the Lounge) was
to a movie together. We would front up had seen them seated. entered from the Lounge foyer and the
to the doorman, tell him we were from Without ‘block’ we would just lead Upper Dress Circle (the seats closer to
the Capitol and always get in. This them down the aisle, shine the torch the projection room) had its own foyer,
worked at all theatres, not just Hoyts. into any row we chose and in they