Page 6 - cr57
P. 6
13-16 September 07
13-16 September 07
Part One
A CATHS tour is about taking the manicured lawns well away from the Kelly, who is often the one lugging
pulse of theatre and cinema main street and the faded glory of the films around, is not enamoured of a
entertainment in a selected corner of former Regent theatre, now an RSL design with two projection suites.
the country, while enjoying Club. The entrance and foyer is Wisely, the towns of Naracoorte
companionship and the scenery along spacious and filled with light from the (S.A.) and Stawell (Vic.), each with a
the way. This year thirty-one members angled glass of walls and ceiling, a population of 6,000, modernised their
in two buses (self-driven) travelled style equally appropriate for a halls from within, ensuring no jarring
Victoria’s Western District into South swimming pool or public library. It is a changes to stately facades. At the
Australia, as far as Mt Gambier and pleasant space in which to sip coffee Naracoorte Institute both stage and
Naracoorte. and look out over manicured lawns. seating has been changed. The most
The return trip took in radical idea was to replace
the Grampians to Halls the balcony with an
Gap and Stawell. By the interlocking metal frame
time of the last inspection supporting demountable
at Ararat, the group had seats.
studied the interiors of 21 Guide Vicki Modistach
buildings with a cinema explained that the seats
history and driven past or could be stacked and put
walked around eight away in 15 minutes. The
others. Here are some supporting frame is pushed
impressions from a trip of back in concertina fashion
1,200 km. to the rear wall, where it
The rural wealth of the takes up only two metres of
south-west is the stuff of legend. It is The main auditorium is similarly space. Without a demonstration this
evident in fine homes, smart towns and functional: the stage can be extended was hard to believe. One downside: the
family names commemorated in events for concerts, but is more often framing noise when climbing or descending the
in the Spring Racing Carnival. Many of a roll-down cinema screen. With 344 steps - like standing on a cat’s tail -
these families were generous with comfortable seats on well-raked steps, would stifle any urge for a toilet break.
endowments and it shows in the layout sightlines seem perfect. Vicki claimed that the ‘squark’ was a
of streets, public buildings and What makes this venue a little healthy sound, an indication that the
monuments. different is that it is a cinema all week, mechanism was in balance.
Not surprisingly, the larger or more using both main auditorium and a At the ‘stage’, curtains and a roll-
prosperous the town, the more purpose-built cinema (118 seats) at down screen are supported on a metal
ambitious the town hall or the former weekends. This project was started by frame - all on wheels - which allows the
cinema building. the ill-fated Anderson group, then run ‘proscenium’ to move forward or back.
Entertainment is usually consolidated for a short time by Reading Cinemas In Hamilton, (also 6,000 people) the
within a performing-arts venue. In a and is now controlled by a local family former town hall, remodelled for live
smaller town the best hall or a former company. Manager Kelly Hester, 21 performance, is behind a 1970s
cinema serves this function, sometimes who joined in 2000 as projectionist and entrance that adds a cinema, library and
substantially upgraded, or otherwise ‘all rounder’, has watched it grow to a art gallery. The single-screen, 140-seat
surviving in a down-at heel-way. staff of four part-time projectionists. cinema is basic but comfortable.
A traditional cinema surviving as a Kelly explained some of the Industry identity Reg Boulter
cinema was usually only possible in a difficulties inherent in sharing the moved to the cinema from the
larger town, either as a slimmed-down facility with live entertainment, which performing arts venue three years ago
version of its former self, or divided is part of the council charter. A viable when he found that the sound system in
into a three-screen complex. cinema needs unrestricted access at the large hall wasn’t good enough for
weekends. During the week council films. Reg entertained us with his
PERFORMING ARTS CENTRES stipulates that live entertainment for the
A council-owned, multi-purpose main auditorium take precedence. observations on the difficulties of
venue is the best theatrical option for Sharing a venue can be a film staying afloat in the business.
“Everyone wants to have a cinema, but
mid-size towns. Colac Performing programmer’s nightmare. once they get it they forget about
Arts Centre (COPAC) stands on
having to patronise it”, was his lament.