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intention of the management to screen “On the large pillar outside were the
programmes of a quality to draw show-cards of present and future
households of patrons nightly, and Sunday attractions. Beyond the glass barrier of
evenings as well, not only from both local the front doors, three or four shallow
suburbs, but neighbouring districts also. steps brought you to the first level of
The Company investment of a very the foyer. It had pale green walls and
large sum of money in its undertaking is was on two levels, with wide, curved
most eloquent proof that the enterprising steps between each. The floor was
policy of the management is to be swirls of cream, pale pink and pale
enduring. And that policy is this, the best green terrazo (I can still see the shiny
picture entertainment for South Melbourne specks in it). My cousin and I would
and Port Melbourne. pretend we were Doris Day and Gene
The theatre was opened on Saturday Nelson and dance across the foyer. To
evening when the commodious building us it was part of those wonderful sets
was filled with people who were very from the musicals.
favourably impressed with its handsome “The ticket box was in the centre of
exterior and interior and the comfortable the back wall of the foyer and the
furnishings, including luxurious chairs manager’s office was behind it. The
throughout, while it was seen the staircase to the circle was on the right
ventilation was on the latest scientific of the ticket window. Midway where
lines, ensuring pleasantly cool conditions the stairs turned was an arched window
in the summer season. Nearly all the (which can be seen in the drawing.)
Port Melbourne councillors and the The carpeting across the upstairs
municipal officers had accepted the foyer and down the stairs was thick, red
company’s invitation to attend the plush with big gold swirls on it. When I
inaugural performance. In declaring the went into the theatre I always looked
theatre open the Mayor of Port Melbourne up, fascinated by the interesting effects
Cr. P.F. Murphy complimented the seen only in theatres.
company on its enterprise and wished it “At the Eclipse the ceiling was a
every success. little stepped, with lines and ridges. The
The directors expressed great plaster ‘stripes’ continued along the
pleasure at having secured the service of walls. I remember the curtains as red,
Mr. O’Neil as manager. He is a gentleman possibly velvet. On the left hand side
with very high qualifications for the next to the stage was a piano, which
position. eventually disappeared. The seats were
A very attractive picture program was dark blue leather, changed twice in my
screened to the musical accompaniment time. The first change was from a
of an excellent orchestra. heavy furnishing material. When
On Sunday evening the screenings will Cinemascope came, large sound boxes,
begin at 7.30. with a fancy scroll pattern, were fitted
to the walls.”
“Mother And The Kids”
The fit-out to wide-screen in Hoyts
By 7.30 a large assemblage had
suburban theatres was timed according
gathered outside the building which has
to a long established order : first week
accommodation for over 1800 persons.
out from city, second week out, etc.
Police Sergeant Mooney took charge of
The Eclipse programs were second
the movable grille at the main entrance
week out from city, a sequence shared
for regulating the inflow of people. The
Eclipse Picture Theatre sergeant insisted on women carrying with about six other theatres. The
technical team apparently couldn’t
babies entering the building first, for the
Opening of Large Modern Building purpose of getting them out of the crush complete the job in time, because the
Eclipse missed out on the Thursday
Commodious, Cool, Comfortable and out of the possibility of them being
hurt. Incidentally these matrons obtained start for CinemaScope. Instead, it
Big Screen Attractions the best seats in various parts of the showed three Fox revivals until
Saturday, then began The Robe on the
Erected at a cost of £34,000 the house for which they purchased tickets
Eclipse Company’s large modern picture inside the grille. Monday night. Either there had been a
glitch, or management knew that sword
theatre, at the corner of Crockford St and Advertisement (left) and the report of
and sandal epics with a biblical overlay,
Pickles St Port Melbourne will the opening from The Record, 1
did not play well in Port.
accommodate over 1,800 people in the November 1924
“The first CinemaScope picture I
greatest comfort. The theatre is just over
saw there was The Robe. I also saw
the South Melbourne boundary, it is the
There’s No Business Like Show
Business. They both included a break
for interval. What a novelty!