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Fuller’s re-opened their theatre at                                Full Circle
          Easter 1930. In keeping with their                                      During the Second World War under
          preference of matching the names of                                  Carroll’s leadership, the Princess went
          their Sydney and Melbourne theatres,                                 back to first release films with links to
          they re-named it the Roxy. There were                                Greater Union Theatres. MGM,
          some weekly runs of first releases such                              Paramount, Universal and Warner Bros.
          as Universal’s Hoot Gibson westerns,                                 films were screened. Carroll then steered
          but the theatre was mainly a second                                  the return to live theatre in 1946 with
          release house to the Palace. Trader                                  Life with Father. His post-war stage
          Horn was the only film there to run                                  successes included Kismet and Sound of
          two-weeks after it had finished at the                               Music. As a Marriner theatre the
          Princess.                                                            Princess has gone on to host hits like
          The Big Chill                                                        Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera
            As the Depression deepened Hoyts                                   and The Producers. The last vestige of
          and Union Theatres Greater formed a                                  the Fuller’s reign is the patriotic sign,
          temporary alliance - The General                                     still visible on the south wall.
          Theatres Corporation - to minimize                                    The Fuller Footprint in Australia
          costly competition for films. Hoyts                                     (Indicative only; short-term leases
          wanted the independent circuits -  and Dean Theatres. Weekly runs of          are not included.)
          Fullers and Birch, Carroll and Coyle  MGM and Paramount films were not
          (Qld.) - to come under Hoyts control,  successful at this location. Snider and  Melbourne
          and in this way bring some rebel film  Dean were also helping to run the  National (1912), Palace/St James
          exchanges, including MGM, to heel.   Palace. They also took over the lease of  Bijou (1914)
                                            the Lyceum, Bourke Street. This tenure
            Hoyts dominated the amalgamation                                    Gaiety (1914)/Roxy
                                            at the Lyceum was short-lived, but for
          and ran the exhibition policy. They                                   Princess (1915)
                                            a while Fullers and their associates had
          were determined not to share product                                  Lyric (St Kilda)
                                            more theatres in Bourke Street than any
          with Fullers because of the Fuller                                                Sydney
                                            other group.
          strength in NSW and New Zealand.                                      Royal Standard (1901)/Empire/
          After holding out for six months Fullers  From Palace to the St James
          applied to join the amalgamation.    In 1934 the Palace reopened as the
                                                                                Majestic - Newtown (1917)
            Hoyts stipulated that in Melbourne  Apollo, boasting the largest neon sign  St James (1926)
          the Princess and Palace were not to  in Australia. The inaugural offering was
          show MGM films. Only the Roxy     Fuller’s Opera Company. The principals         Newcastle
          joined General Theatres as a first-run B  were from Sir Thomas Beecham’s  Victoria
          western outlet, and a second and third  National Opera in England. Presenting   Broken Hill
          run, twin-feature outlet. A minimum of  popular operas sung in English, the  Crystal Palace
          press advertising was permitted. In  company got some good reviews.              Brisbane
          Sydney Hoyts could not break the  Melbourne’s Joan Hammond in an      Empire (1918)/St James
          Fuller hold on MGM films at the St  early role was among those praised.  Kings
          James and British product for their  The company then departed for a
          Mayfair (formerly the Roxy).      Sydney before returning to the Apollo          Adelaide
            The Melbourne Roxy was granted  for a second season. The experiment  Majestic (1915)/Warner
          one privilege, along with the Regent,  was a financial disaster.      Kings
          State and Capitol. These theatres were  More variety theatre followed then  Prince of Wales
          the only ones permitted to open on  it was back to films The Apollo              Port Pirie
          Christmas Day and Good Friday. Soon  screened mainly MGM and Paramount  Liberty
          however, the Health Department    first and second-release films. It was
          declared the Bijou a fire hazard. The  not a great success as a cinema and in      Perth
          Fullers considered rebuilding the hotel  1937 it reverted to live shows, reviews  Capitol
          and theatres, but did not proceed with  and amateur productions.      His Majesty’s (1918)
          the idea. Instead, demolition began in  The Fuller’s co-director Garnett H.  Theatre Royal
          February 1934, leaving a huge hole in  Carroll took charge of the remaining  Melrose Gardens
          the ground. Finally in 1940 a     circuit. In Melbourne this was the             Fremantle
          Commonwealth Bank building was    Princess and the Apollo. In December
          erected on part of the site. The rest was  1940 the Apollo was refurbished and
          taken over by the Melbourne City  renamed the St James. The plan was to
                                                                               Image credits.
          Council for offices and a car park.   show MGM and Paramount films. After
                                                                               Opposite: Cinderella and all star
          Imperial (Russell Street) and     about the sixth film, MGM took over  Vaudeville – Table Talk, 17 Feb. 1921
          Lyceum.                           the lease and made the theatre their  Trader Horn –  The Herald
                                            second exclusive house in Melbourne.
            The former Temperance Hall (later                                  11 Sept. 1931
                                            The St James was sold to MGM in    Above: Annie Laurie – The Herald
          the Savoy) was reopened under Fuller
                                            1951, refurbished, and reopened as the  1 April 1929
          management in 1934, then run as a
                                            Metro Bourke Street.
          cinema by an associate company Snider
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