Page 20 - RD_2015_12
P. 20
the Porthole
the Porthole
Chapter 1
The Magic Rainbow
In the beginning there was light -
different colors, slowly changing -
brilliant - all the colors of the rainbow.
I have been asked to jot down my
experiences as a projectionist. Now 61 By – Peter Ricketts.
years old, I have spent most of my life
associated in some way with theatres -
from poster hanger, assistant
projectionist, projectionist, technician, Mum and Dad had
manager, booker etc. - but I have permanent back row
always preferred the ‘back of house’ seats in the lower level
side of the industry. of the theatre. The
projection room was
I will start as far back as my
located behind these
memory permits, I don’t know exactly
seats. I would usually sit
how old I was, I was just able to walk,
on my mothers lap until
so it was probably about 1943 or 1944,
the lights went out and
when my grandfather, William (old
sleep there for the entire
Bill) Davies was caretaker/usher at the
Fairfield Theatre Fairfield, Melbourne,
affectionately known by the locals as One night when the
the “Tin Shed”. slides were showing,
In fact, many of the family on my some local yahoo
mother’s side were associated with reached over and waved
theatres. My mother Ellen (Nellie) his hands through the
Ricketts nee Davies, and her sister projection beam. My
Mavis (May) Kelly worked at the father did his block and
Fairfield and on special occasions yelled at the culprit.
prepared refreshments at the theatre According to my mother,
whenever screenings were held there I was asleep at the time
for film distributors. (I wonder how and jumped about two
many people realized that the Fairfield feet in the air in fright.
was considered to have the best sound This was the first
in the suburbs at that time? Often when time I had noticed the Peter, aged about three, with his mother
I mentioned the Fairfield to Film light beam coming from the slide and uncle Bert, probably on the bike Bert
Bookers they could remember the projector port above us. Mum said I was used to run films between theatres.
special screenings held there.) fascinated and tried to reach for it, but it
was way out of my reach, so staring as
Mum’s brothers Albert (Bert) I was asleep as usual, possibly dreaming
if mesmerized, I twisted and turned,
Davies and Jack Davies both were of the magic rainbow and the man who
working out that the image on the
poster hangers and film runners driving made it happen.
screen changed as the beam of colored
their motorbikes and sidecars. Uncle This simple experience, possibly the
light changed. I yelled out at the top of
Maurie Kelly was caretaker/cleaner at spark that ignited the passion which
my voice that there was a man in there!
Hoyts Ivanhoe. directed yet another member of our
I remember this as if it was yesterday. It
family to choose to spend a lifetime in
must have worn me out as within
the cinema industry, was the beginning
seconds of the house lights going down,
of a long, long story.