Page 12 - CR31R.pdf
P. 12
Above: The Theatre Royal, Melbourne 1872. Image from Australia on the Popular Stage.
Below: Ruins of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, after the 1872 fire. Image from Theatre in Australia,by John West.
persuaded Williamson to join continued for another two years
them. They became known in before Garner left. Musgrove
theatrical circles as “the rejoined with Williamson, this
triumvirate”. latter partnership lasting for
The triumvirate took over the seven years, then it was J C
Royal at midnight on 1 July Williamson alone.
1882, and before the 2 July The last show under the
evening performance, stairways triumvirate management was the
and passages had been carpeted, Gilbert and Sullivan opera
stained glass installed in lobby Patience, the permission for
windows and velvet curtains which resulted in JCW holding
fitted to foyer archways. In the the performance rights for all
auditorium, the orchestra pit was Gilbert and Sullivan/D’Oyly Carte
deepened to partly conceal the shows until the copyright
musicians from the ground floor expired in the 1960s.
patrons. However, in 1891 the lease
The triumvirate lasted for of the Royal under the
nine years when Musgrove left. triumvirate expired and like a
Williamson and Garner second (or more) coming,
12 Spring 2001 CINEMARECORD