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Things became
complicated again
for Brooke when
he had an extra
marital affair with
the American demise of its
actress Avonia predecessor.
Jones which Opening night
resulted in him was on 6
leaving his wife November 1872
and sailing with his lover to with a double bill: the comedy
England. This situation soon led Milky White and the farce To
to Coppin again taking over Oblige Benson. Naturally
management of the theatre, but Coppin appeared.
things didn’t remain quiet for The new theatre had similar
long. In mid 1861 an astute accommodation to the old,
businessman, Ambrose Keyte, being of three balconies and pit
engineered the removal of and stalls. More wonderful
Coppin and took over the entertainment ensued up to and
theatre himself. including the very significant
Keyte presented high class appearance of American actor
shows and the Royal, the best James Cassius Williamson
theatre in Melbourne, thrived, (JCW) in Struck Oil on 1
although during the next ten August 1874. The play ran for
years the ownership changed six weeks followed by other
many times. However, by June JCW offerings until Christmas
1871 Coppin was in charge yet when Struck Oil toured other
again, but within nine months Australian centres and overseas.
was facing ruin. On 20 March Williamson and his wife,
1872 the Royal was destroyed Maggie Moore, reappeared at
by fire. The play showing at the the Royal with a return season
time was The Streets Of London of Struck Oil on 23 August 1879
starring James Carden. This set after which Australia became
back didn’t last long, for in less their home.
than two weeks Coppin had During the 1895 Australian
leased the next door St Georges tour of Struck Oil, Williamson
Hall, later site of Hoyts performed with Arthur Garner
DeLuxe/Esquire, and who had connections with
performances resumed. William Lyster’s opera
Attention now focussed on a company. Lyster’s nephew,
new Theatre Royal. George Musgrove, was a
Melbourne architect George successful producer and the
Brown was selected to design three became close friends.
Above: Theatre Royal advertisement for the farewell the new theatre which opened Garner and Musgrove talked
engagement of Lola Montes, 1856. less than eight months after the about forming a partnership and
CINEMARECORD Spring 2001 11