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which it will tour India. Queensland is the
first of the Australian states to be visited.
162,000 miles had been travelled and a
quarter of a million feet of film taken and
various local charities and causes have
been supported world-wide. Mr Edmund
Arriere is in charge of the expedition.” ★
Trackless Train information from the
Jamestown SA Historical Museum, 1993.
Left: The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Trackless Train.
Photo: From the CATHS Archives.
The two lower photographs have been
blown up from l6mm movie film frames.
Photos: Courtesy Ross King Collection.
Below: Copy of a letter to the “Miranda”
column of The Weekly Times, c1950s.
Image: Courtesy Ross King
er Trackless Train, 1924
ss King
It was reported in the London Daily and living accommodation for five
Mail at the time: persons, kitchenette, buffet and radio
installation. The two sections
“the Trackless Train is a new departure in combined measures 53 feet from
motor transport — a revolution in front to rear and weigh 11 tons.
automobile building. Built to the Both “engine” and Pullman are
specifications of its owners, Metro- shod with balloon tyres and the
Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, the train “train” is as easily handled as any
consists of two portions — the first, an ordinary motor car”.
exact replica of a transcontinental engine
and tender. This is driven by two 90 h.p. “The “train” had toured U.S.A.,
motors coupled, and is equipped with Canada, Mexico, practically the
every modern safety device to permit it whole of Europe, South
being driven through heavy traffic. America, Africa, Asia and
The second portion is a miniature Australia. It is estimated that
Pullman Coach, complete with hot and the train will remain for nearly
cold running water, electric light, sleeping 12 months in Australia, after
CINEMARECORD Spring 2001 17