Page 28 - CR31R.pdf
P. 28

auditorium speaker system. They are however, picked off   also applied to the three filter stages. These filters are quite
             before the filter  and used  internally  in  the Perspecta de-  sharp, producing an output only if the exact correspond-
             coder unit to  control  the  switching of the sound to  the   ing frequency is present. The three outputs are connected
             three speaker systems.  The frequency of these sub-audi-  to  detectors (not shown),  which  produce a  voltage  if the
             ble tones are 30 Hertz (cycles per second) controlling the   corresponding frequency is present. The detector's output
             left speaker, 35 Hz. for centre channel and 40 Hz. for the   voltage is used to tum on it's control gate, in the on posi-
             right.                                            tion,  it sends the sound track audio to the following am-
                                                              plifier stage, and then to  the speakers.
             There is one shortcoming with the system. Because there
             is only the one sound  track available, when the sound  is   Because the filters are quite sharp, their bandwidth is only
             switched from  one speaker  to  another to  move  with  the   about+ or-2Hz, the speed of the projector is quite criti-
             action on the screen, if there is a musical background, the   cal. A one frame per second speed error can be sufficient
             music will also follow the action. At first thought this might   to create problems.
             appear to be quite disconcerting, but it operation, it is barely
             noticeable.                                      There is  no  real  reason  why  the  Perspecta Directional
                                                              Sound system would not operate satisfactorily with 16mm
             Although  Perspecta saw its demise  in  the early  1960s,  a   films.  However, there are no known  l6mm Perspecta re-
             company in England is making new "solid state" decod-  leases.  Films originally  released  with  Perspecta Sound
             ers for about 300 pounds. These units plug directly  into a   appear to have been reduced to 16mm without the Perspecta
             slot on the latest  Dolby processor units and have the added   tones.  In recent years, MGM and others have re-released
             enhancement of providing rear speaker drive when all three   some of their reClassic  Cartoons'  from  the  1950s,  these
             Perspecta rechannels'  are present.              too are now being reprinted  without the  Perspecta tones

                                                              Footnotes:   I. Many of the well-known 1950s releases
                                                              were released in Perspecta versions, including most of the
                                                              Paramowlt Vista Vision releases as well as the Tom & Jerry
                                                              CinemaScope cartoons. Unfortunately, there appears to be
                     •                           •            no  authoritative  listi·ng available.

                                                              2.  The author would be pleased to  hear from any
                                  ~ -                         one with 35mm Pers.pecta Sound films, even odd reels.

                                                 .~           1.  International Projeclionist, early  1950s.  2.  Titles  of
                    •                                         cartoon Daredevil Droopy (MGM, 1951) show "Perspecta
                                                              Sound".  3. Widescreen Movies by Robert E. Can & R.M.
                                                              Hayes.  Publishers Mcfarland & Co.

                              •  •                 •
                                   Q                                  GREATEST  NEWS  YET
                                                                      IN  THEATRE  SOUND!

                          Perspecta Decoder  Unit

             T he signal flow through the Perspecta unit:  The sound
            from the operating projector is amplified in the pre ampli-     Multi-<lireetional souncl
                                                                          on a  st~ruleirtT 9.P-ti;j,ft,'i,rk
             fier and  fed  to  the two filter stages.  The high  pass  ftlter
             rejects the low frequency Perspecta tones, but passes all of   TJJh Is il! The •implt~,  1•eraumcnt  ~l'Nti'D 1h."1  co1'f'09  tJII  tho
                                                                     c:shibi1or·,  s:tcnopJ•".oh;  •out~d pro'blcuu -~nd h.',  foUt  co•p:ulblo
                                                                     wi'h  ~Dvco\iorul ,ound t:-'tlem,,  Pro~tif'n (WOl"C'dutT$  remlllin  1hc:
             the normal sound track audio through and feeds  it to the   Mmt:,lOO.
             three control gates.  In the normal or non-Perspecta mode,   E1blblton "''th •tuCtOphonlc soond ca" 1whth ro l'm.p<:«CG  Stetco•
                                                                     pl1onie  Sound  t.y  irM>t•llinc  only  un  i.ntc:c,.tor  uait_  dc•ian-c:n&l-
                                                                     .Dtc:rcd by F:drt:hild. ':rhull'ft equfpj)C'd for ron,.c:nrion•l  lOllbd nttd
             the  centre  channel is  always  turned on and  the sound  is   only  1ht  tit~cJt~  mirnelc  unh  plua  addhio:tl  pc,.wer  a.mpl.Wtu,
                                                                     loulltf)eak«• ~ocl o mtlltiplo tauc fader.
             conveyed  to  the  centre amplifier and speaker system in
             the normal way.
            The low pass filter allows only the Perspecta low frequency
             control tones to pass through. They are applied to  the de-
                                                                    ~~ PICTURE SOUND  D!VISIOH  e  WHIIUTONl !11,  Nn¥ YORJ(
             tector stage, which detennines if the film is in Perspecta,
            and if is, the three control gates are switched into Perspecta
             mode by the Perspecta on/off Jjne.  The control tones are     Promotional Advertising

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