Page 15 - CinemaRecord #11R.pdf
P. 15

But all the time,  there was a dedicated hard core of devotees who had a dream - that one day the "Empire"
             would strike back against the bureaucrats who couldn't see further than their own pet commercial enterprise
             taking over the site. (Does that scenario sound slightly familiar to us here in Melbourne?)

             The local government discussions on the fate of the "Empire" were long and acrimonious. A number of Toowoomba
             councillors threatened to resign over the issue. But eventually after 26 years of indecision, the "Empire" was re-
             opened as a re-built, re-furbished and re-designed live theatre complex on the 28th June, 1997. The Melbourne
             "Regent" was closed for 26 years from 1970 to 1996.

             The next step in the complete re-furbishment of the "Empire" is the installation of modern film projectors in the
             large bio-box, thus returning the theatre to its' original function as a live theatre/cinema facility.

             Manager, Kerry O'Rourke, is enthusiastic and optimistic about the future of the "Empire". In the first six months
             of operation it has shown a profit, and Kerry believes that with clever and astute marketing that trend should

                                                   Empire Theatre- 1997

             The "Empire", now one of the largest provincial cinema/theatre complexes in Australia,  has certainly "struck
             back", and long may it serve the more than 200,000 residents ofToowoomba and surrounding districts.

             Some "Empire" statistics:   Stage Dimensions:  Proscenium Width  13.6m
                                                         O.P. Wing Width  5.7m
                                                         Prompt Wing Width  10.7m
                                                         Stage Depth    19.m
                                                         8 Dressing rooms to accommodate 64 artists.
                                                         1 Orchestra Green Room to accommodate 20 musicians.
                                      Lighting:          150 Dimmer Channels
                                                         124 Spotlights, Zoom Spots, Fresnels, Cyclorana Spots etc
                                      Audio Equipment:   24 Channel Mixer
                                                         79 Microphones of various types

             Photos:                  Opening Night Program (Cover Photo Circa 1966), & Denzil Howson Collection
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