Page 13 - CinemaRecord #11R.pdf
P. 13


             [Thanks to /an Williams for making contact with the Theatre Historical Society of America and publicising CATHS.
             Here· is an edited version of the email reply he received from Lowell Angell, President of the THSA.]

             From:      Lowell Angell     1/1/98
             To:        lan Williams
             Richard Sklenar forwarded your e-mail message to me. Thanks for the compliments on our website; we're very
             proud of it and hope it will help to let both members and non-members know more about us (especially the  ·
             Your website is excellent!  I am amazed at the variety and extent of your activities! We could do well to emulate
             some of them!

             One idea from your web pages I will "borrow" is an on-line membership form which may be downloaded. Good
             idea which never crossed  my  mind!  I have also just added  a link to your site on  our "links"  page,  and  we
             certainly will appreciate your doing likewise.

             Perhaps we can explore some other ways in which our two organizations could work more closely together in
             our mutual interests. We have had such discussions with the British CTA and the Canadian Historic Theatres
             Trust, as well as with ACTS. One suggestion, for example, has been to do mutual mailing pieces in one anothers
             mail-outs - publications lists, membership brochures, etc. Another is to coordinate bulk orders of books.  I'm
             sure there are many more ideas to explore.

             Please don't hesitate to contact me at anytime. I will look forward to meeting you in Los Angeles in June!

             Lowell Angell

             Theatre Historical Society of America


             [Apologies from  The Editor (who happens to know an fan McDonald) for the error in last issue's obituary and
             thanks to Trevor Walters for writing the following letter.]

             The Editor, CinemaRecord    19/1/98
             Dear Sir

             In the November 1997 issue of CinemaRecord you reported an obituary on lan McDonald. This is inaccurate as
             it was in fact lan Johnson who passed away during October 1997.

             lan was an amateur boxer in his younger days in England and had to give this up after losing an eye. He came
             to Australia in the mid 60's from England and after some time he joined Greater Union. He became a theatre
             manager and worked at various G.U. theatres.

             He  was manager at the Odeon Theatre when  it re-opened in  1967 with "To Sir With Love".  lan went on  to
             become the manager of the Brighton Bay Twin and stayed there for many years. I once asked lan how he liked
             working at a theatre which showed "art house" movies after a lifetime in "mainstream" commercial theatres and
             he said he was never happier  .. He really loved the Brighton Bay.

             lan will be sadly missed as he was a very good manager and liked by all his workmates.

             Trevor Walters
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